“SpaceX moves fast when they see what needs to be fixed,” Abhi Tripathi, a former SpaceX mission director, wrote on Twitter. “I assume they will address the launch site findings with the same importance they show to the Starship design issues. Got to think of it in terms of a whole system.”

Hot Air’s John Sexton, who dug up the tweets showing the damage to the launch pad, thinks that fixing the glitches that ended up destroying Starship might not be that difficult.

So, on the negative side, this launch destroyed the launch pad, damaged the tank farm and probably did a lot of damage to the rocket itself in the first seconds of liftoff. On the upside, this one problem might account for a significant number of the failures that happened yesterday including the separation failure. If so, it’s a relatively easy fix, at least in theory.

Musk says he’ll try again in two months but that’s probably optimistic.

Even though Starship only flew for four minutes, it’s an incredible achievement to get it off the ground at all. The bird has twice the thrust of the rocket that took us to the Moon, it’s 80 feet taller, it can lift 200,000 lbs into earth orbit, and it’s reusable.

It doesn’t get any better than that.