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PJ Media
PJ Media
18 Nov 2023
Rick Moran

NextImg:Mayor Adams Passes the Hat Among NYC's Richest: 'All Hands on Deck

I wrote about New York City's budget woes due to the flood of migrants that have swamped city services over the last 6 months on Friday. The mayor says he's going to have to cut the $110 billion budget by 5% to start with which means cuts in police, fire, and vital city services. 


Speaking to most of New York City's elite at a luncheon at the very exclusive Harvard Club, Adams tried to pass the hat like an itinerant 19th-century preacher looking for donations to feed his horse.

“This is a moment where it’s an all hands on deck moment,” Hizzoner said to a packed room at the swanky Harvard Club during a Police Athletic League luncheon Friday afternoon.

“The way it goes, New York goes America goes, but I’m going to need you more than ever to support many of these organizations like PAL, Robin Hood Foundation, and others,” the mayor told the crowd.

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These were Adams's first public comments since he announced the 5% cut to take care of the crush of new arrivals. He also asked his rich friends to put pressure on Biden and those blue state politicians in Washington to give till it hurts.

“I need your voice to reach out to Washington DC and say this is your city,” Adams said, adding, “New York City is the economic agent of this entire country and we cannot continue to watch New York City carry a national crisis like we are witnessing now.”

Sorry, yer honor, but the "economic agent of this entire country" is not New York City anymore. It's certainly further south and if it isn't Los Angeles or Atlanta it's someplace in Texas.


New York Post:

Easing into his pleas Friday, Adams touted how his administration had focused on intervening in the lives of the city’s kids and how his school’s Chancellor, David Banks, has focused on “quality education,” which he said is key to keeping kids out of jail.

The mayor, though, failed to mention the steep reduction in after-school and summer programs and other extra-curricular activities as well as the DOE’s more than $1 billion budget reduction through fiscal year 2025.

“We’re going to need you more than ever now,” Adams said, before addressing the elephant in the room.

“We, unfortunately, announced yesterday of some real painful cuts in our services,” he said, adding, “It’s going to impact every area of delivery of services in the city.”

He should have told the rich people to not only ask Washington for more money, but perhaps they might mention while Biden or Senator Blue State is on the line that New York and every other big city in the North needs to have the darn border under control. Otherwise, the extra money won't mean squat.