As the United Police States of America continues to shred the Constitution into confetti, I thought I’d continue with analysis of more of the applesauce the left is spewing as “gun myths” as they try to dismantle our Second Amendment rights.
A certain brilliant radio talk show host posits that Democrats keep criminals on the streets for two reasons:
In other words, leftists encourage criminals to break the law and then use the crime stats as a means of taking guns from We the People. Mass shootings are especially tasty crimes for gun grabbers.
FACT-O-RAMA! A mass shooting is defined as four or more people shot, not including the shooter(s), in a fluid situation. Meaning, If I blaze up a Denny’s and shoot three people, go home, take a nap, catch the 3:10 showing of “Barbie,” and shoot three more in the theatre, this is not a mass shooting.
Let’s take a look at what the leftoids at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) are saying about mass shootings:
FACT: Nearly 70% of mass shootings involve domestic violence, Lisa Geller, MPH, state affairs advisor for the Center, told 12 News in Arizona.
In a study published in 2021, Geller and colleagues found that in over 68% of mass shootings, the perpetrator killed at least one partner or family member and had a history of domestic violence.
The JHU crowd conveniently changed an “or” to an “and” to create a lie.
JHU wrote (emphasis added): “Geller and colleagues found that in over 68% of mass shootings, the perpetrator killed at least one partner or family member and had a history of domestic violence.” But when I looked at their source, I found this: “We found that 59.1% of mass shootings between 2014 and 2019 were DV (domestic violence)-related and in 68.2% of mass shootings, the perpetrator either killed at least one partner or family member or had a history of DV.”
Yes, it’s safe to assume that a wacko who perforates his own family probably has a history of domestic violence.
Also, the research JHU is using involves “Fatal mass shootings, defined as four or more people killed by gunfire, excluding the perpetrator,” whereas the aforementioned myth refers to mass shootings. What’s the difference between a mass shooting and a “fatal” mass shooting?” Four (or more) dead people.
Using the same data bank,, we can see there were 27 mass shootings (fatal or otherwise) from Aug. 15, 2023, until this writing. Of those, only two were “fatal” mass shootings that involved four or more people killed. Both were domestic, family-related “murder-sueys,” one in Ohio involving a white family with no known prior history of domestic violence and one in Oklahoma, a Hispanic family.
SHOT SPOTTER-O-RAMA! As of this writing, there have been 100,726 rounds detected as being fired in Chicago this year.
Why would JHU lie, omit, and bend data to “prove” that a majority of mass shooters know their victims and are also guilty of “domestic violence?” Because the truth of mass shootings is something they can’t discuss: most are not committed by angry white goobers in MAGA hats, as the clowns in the mainstream media would have us believe. Most mass shootings are drug, gang, or party-related, take place in large, blue cities, and do not involve white shooters.
Festival of Lead Fast Facts:
I count five shootings at parties, bars, festivals, etc., involving 31 victims. Did they all know their shooters? Unlikely.
FACT-O-RAMA! Four people were killed and 32 wounded at a Sweet 16 birthday party in Dadeville, Ala., in April of this year. Two were killed and 28 injured at another block party last month in Baltimore. One was killed and 22 injured at an outdoor Juneteenth party just outside Chicago. All the known victims and shooters were black. That’s 89 victims in only three shootings. Get-togethers, block parties, festivals, etc. are increasingly dangerous events for young, black Americans in Democrat cities.
Here is a tasty morsel the JHU crowd also learned but decided not to mention:
Mass shooting fatalities account for a small percentage (1%) of firearm homicide fatalities in the United States, but they receive a substantial amount of media attention and may drive political discourse on gun violence….
Related: A Deep Dive into Mass Shooting Data (Rachel Maddow Hardest Hit)
Here are a few more fun-filled facts about Mass shootings;
Seventy percent of mass shootings do not involve domestic violence. Meanwhile, more and more people, especially young, black people, are being shot at gatherings, pop-up parties, and festivals.
Most mass shootings take place in large, blue cities, with almost 25% coming from just 10 large, Democrat-run towns.
Mass shootings make up about 1% of gun-related murders.
Domestic violence does result in mass shootings but nowhere near the 70% range as mentioned by JHU.
Leftists will always blame the gun, not the shooters, because the end goal is to get your gat.