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PJ Media
PJ Media
2 Mar 2024
Matt Margolis

NextImg:Huge: Joe Biden Contradicts Hunter Biden's Testimony

Joe Biden continues to lie about his involvement in his son's foreign business dealings.

After years of denying any involvement with Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings or any interaction at all with his business partners, evidence has been trickling out for over a year now that these claims were lies. Photographs, eyewitness testimony, and even bank records have made it clear Biden was involved in, and benefiting from, Hunter's schemes.

And on Thursday, Hunter Biden confirmed some details as well. Though he routinely insisted that his father wasn't involved at all, he confirmed key details uncovered over the past year by the House Oversight Committee.

During his debate with Donald Trump in October 2020, Joe Biden claimed, "My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China. I have not had … the only guy who made money from China is [Trump]. Nobody else has made money from China.”

But Hunter Biden admitted on Thursday to being paid by Chinese companies. 

"I received money from a Chinese company," Hunter testified.

When asked how many millions he got, he claimed to not know the exact amount, and insisted it was "incredibly ethical."

On Friday, Joe Biden left the White House for Camp David for another vacation, and, as he was heading to Marine One, flat out denied ever interacting with Hunter's or his brother's James's business partners, blasting House Speaker Mike Johnson for saying that he lied.

“Tell him to read the record of every single witness,” Biden told Stephen Nelson of the New York Post. “These guys have got to stop this stuff."

Pressed further, Biden once again claimed,  “I did not interact with their partners," and then said "no," to a more specific question about whether he ever attended a dinner or a lunch with either Hunter's or James's associates.

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The problem is that Hunter testified exactly the opposite on Thursday.

Hunter confirmed that he accompanied then-Vice President Biden on Air Force Two to Beijing, where he introduced his father to business partner Jonathan Li, and Joe subsequently wrote a college letter of recommendation for Li's son.

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Hunter also confirmed in his testimony that he put his father on speakerphone during business meetings and that his father dined with Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev, who later gave Hunter money to buy a sports car — at Café Milano. 

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Now, ask yourself the following question: Why is Joe Biden continuing to lie about these meetings and interactions if everything was above board? 

It was bad enough to lie but worse yet to continue to do so when the evidence proved he was lying. And now he's contradicting his own son's testimony.

When you tell the truth, you don't have to worry about keeping your lies straight.