Uggh, I hate to be so cynical, but I have a bad feeling about something. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reportedly concerned about a spike in respiratory illnesses and a “cluster of pneumonia” in children in China, and has officially asked the country for detailed information about what’s going on.
Chinese authorities from the National Health Commission earlier this month reported an increase in respiratory diseases in China, attributing the rise to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the spread of the flu and other respiratory viruses, WHO said Wednesday.
The U.N. health agency cited unspecified media reports and a global infectious disease monitoring service as reporting clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China, though said it was unclear whether those were linked to a rise in respiratory infections reported by Chinese authorities.
Scientists outside of China said the circumstances should be monitored but were not concerned that the surge was a sign of a new global outbreak.
Not yet, anyway. I hate to think this way, but I get the feeling we’re being conditioned for another global pandemic. I hope I’m wrong. But there are shocking similarities between this latest development and the last pandemic. Remember, it was four year ago that COVID is believed to have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Whichever version of the COVID origins story you believe, one thing we do know is that China wasn’t forthcoming back then and still isn’t now. Yet the World Health Organization seems to believe they’ll get a straight answer from China this time.
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Of course, the timing is eerily similar to the last one as well. It was late fall/early winter when it started to spread in China. And we all know what happened then: global panic, global infringement of freedom and liberty — even here in the United States. Four years ago at this time, the economy was roaring, and Donald Trump appeared on the verge of reelection. When the pandemic hit, the mainstream media tried to blame him — not China — for what was happening, and Democrat leaders in various battleground states unilaterally changed election laws to benefit Democrats under the guise of protecting the people from COVID. Today, Trump is leading in the polls, and Biden appears to be on the fast track to an embarrassing defeat. A new global pandemic could be just what the doctor ordered to tilt the scales in Biden’s favor once again.
Tucker Carlson recently warned that he thinks that the 2024 election will be "like nothing we've ever seen” and "if you feel like something very intense in history is about to happen, don’t ignore it. Don’t panic. There’s not profit in that, you can’t control it — you’re not in charge of history."
I hope I’m just being paranoid. But, sadly, I’m not convinced I shouldn’t be. PJ Media will certainly keep a close eye on this situation, and expose any efforts to infringe upon our rights again. Now is a great time to be a partner in those efforts. Through Monday, you can become a VIP member and receive an insane 60% discount with the promo code BLACKFRIDAY60. At that rate, you can become a VIP Gold member for less than 40 bucks a year. That gives you access to all of the premium content at all six Townhall Media sites: PJ Media, Townhall, HotAir, RedState, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy.
With an election less than a year away, there is no better time than now to join the cause.