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PJ Media
PJ Media
5 Aug 2023
Rick Moran

NextImg:After Being Unfairly Canceled, Moms for Liberty Book Event Back on at Madison Library

The family advocacy group Moms for Liberty wanted to sponsor a book reading event featuring Kirk Cameron reading his children’s book “As You Grow” at the Madison, Wisc., public library.

“On August 5, 2023, we are calling on all families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing and read Brave Books and other books of virtue,” the Brave Books book company states on its website.

Sadly, it was not to be. The Madison Public Library canceled the event, citing concerns about “overcapacity.” It was a bunch of BS of course. And this was made clear after First Liberty lawyers representing Moms for Liberty gently pointed out to the library — as gently as lawyers do such things, anyway — that they were full of it and that cancellation of their event was unconstitutional religious discrimination.

Moms For Liberty would have been more than happy to limit the number of attendees. Instead, the Madison Library attempted a naked power play in an attempt to squelch the group’s First Amendment rights.

Originally, the Library was going to limit attendees to 20. After the threatened suit, they raised it to 225. And because of the massively increased interest in the event, Moms For Liberty added a second location for the event.

In addition to Kirk Cameron, the event will also feature women’s rights advocate Riley Gaines. This set off a far-left TikTok influencer, who promised to protest at the event.

1819 News:

The protest is being spearheaded by TikTok influencer Lindsay Booker, better known as Bhambluedot, who has been encouraging her followers to show up to protest Cameron’s new book “As You Grow” and to hand out books such as “Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation.”

Since announcing her “book giveaway,” Booker said she’s received enough donations to purchase over 100 copies of “All Are Welcome” to hand out to teachers as well.

Booker also gave recommendations for protest sign slogans like “Moms against Moms for Liberty,” “Hey Lunatics! Stop terrorizing our educators,” and “Moms for Liberty Shut the F*** Up.”

In contrast to far-left hysteria, Emily Jones, Madison Chapter Chair of Mom’s for Liberty, was far more open to engaging in debate: “At the end of the day, we live in a country where we have freedom of speech regardless of whether you like the opinion or not. And I will always support people who are peacefully voicing their concerns and opinions. That’s what our country stands for and we’re excited to be able to voice ours tomorrow and hear the voice of others.”

In the heart of woke America, a sliver of hope from moms.