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NY Post
New York Post
20 May 2023

NextImg:The DEI industry really isn’t about diversity, equity OR inclusion

Most Americans are all for diversity, equity and inclusion. But Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs have proved to be about nothing but rank racism.

So Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was pretty on-point last week, in the run-up to announcing his presidential bid, when he defunded DEI programs at public colleges and universities across the Sunshine State, joining Republican legislatures and govs from Ohio to Texas. 

Just look at how corrosively toxic DEI efforts prove in practice:  

Our nation is premised on the idea that all people are created equal.

And, given the dazzling array of races, creeds and religions it plays home to, a culture that emphasizes what we have in common over what divides us is a pragmatic necessity (as well as a moral good). 

That’s precisely what DEI attacks, by creating a hyperconsciousness of race founded in exaggerated grievances. It identifies whites as the enemy of everyone non-white, disparages meritocracy, and blames gaps in achievement exclusively on racist “systemic” forces. 

The name DEI, of course, is pure Orwell: These ideas foster only homogeneity of thought, inequity and exclusion — alienating Americans from each other and poisoning our politics. 

That DEI is a $9 billion industry only makes the whole movement all the uglier.

Though it does explain the endless howls of outrage about the public-money cutoff: The gravy train is leaving the station. 

In short, DEI is a cynical grift that’s minted a new batch of millionaires while hurting the nation and deepening racial divisions.  

What DeSantis & Co are doing is the only sensible way forward — on ending the scam and healing the country.