Washington, DC, health officials are sounding the siren about a possible measles exposure at two local airports — and thanks to years of chronic dishonesty and bungling from our public health “experts” on COVID, this is now something the nation actually has to worry about.
Because the rate of measles vaccinations for kids has plummeted.
The 2021-2022 academic year saw only 93% of kindergartners with an MMR vaccine; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have charted vaccine exemptions as the highest they’ve ever been.
If you think that same agency’s endless flip-flopping and outright lying on COVID, vaccines, masks, and social distancing aren’t a prime cause of this, we have a bridge we’d like to sell you.
Masking for toddlers.
Demanding that vaccinated people quarantine after mere exposure to COVID.
Slow-walking school reopenings, long after evidence showed kids weren’t at real risk from the virus and schools weren’t significant transmission vectors.
The list is endless.
And that’s to say nothing of the fact that other federal agencies engaged in the same nonsense.
Remember the FDA’s disastrous Johnson & Johnson vaccine “pause”?
That sent all COVID-vaccine uptake rates crashing from their April 2021 height.
And this was even as our elites screamed and shouted that anyone who didn’t take one of the other vaccines (which have a tiny but real chance of bad side effects) was the modern-day equivalent of a Nazi — even if they already had excellent immunity from having already had COVID.
And that shouting continued even after it became clear the vaccines largely prevent serious illness and death but do nothing to meaningfully stop transmission or infection.
Then there’s Mr. COVID himself, Anthony Fauci.
He recently revealed just how detached from reality he is when he testified to Congress that he thinks the jury’s still out on learning loss.
But even per his testimony, the “policies and mandates” he promoted “may unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come.”
The result is that faith in all vaccines has been seriously dented.
And no wonder, our soi-disant experts utterly incinerated their credibility in their panicked, confused belief that what the nation needed was people at the top issuing lots of orders.
This fed into an already strong subculture of vaccine-hating loons like RFK Jr. and Jenny McCarthy.
And so measles is poised to make a comeback, as small decreases in vaccination rates can have massive impacts on disease spread.
But our experts still seem far more concerned with getting people to wear masks than with repairing their damaged credibility: Witness New York’s recent public-hospital mask mandate and similar efforts around the country.
Until Fauci and the rest of the medical and scientific establishment take ownership of their dishonesty and failures, however, expect the public’s trust to keep eroding — and the risk to keep growing of new outbreaks of diseases we thought we’d beaten.