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NY Post
New York Post
18 Nov 2023

NextImg:NYC Mayor Eric Adams creates defense fund for federal probe of 2021 campaign

Mayor Eric Adams has set up a legal defense fund to raise money to pay lawyers repping him an ongoing federal probe of his 2021 campaign.

The fund by law allows Adams to accept donations of up to $5,000 outside the normal campaign cycle, and he must report the names and addresses of all donors to the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board, Politico New York first reported. The first quarterly report is due Jan. 15.

Adams signed a sworn affidavit Wednesday noting the creation of the fund and filed with the COIB.

“After consultation with the Campaign Finance Board and the Conflicts of Interest Board, it was determined that a trust should be created for any legal expenses,” said Vito Pitta, an Adams campaign lawyer.

He added anyone doing business with the city won’t be allowed to contribute to Adams’ legal defense.

Mayor Adams declined to address the ongoing federal probe when asked about it by a Post reporter on Saturday.
Robert Miller

Federal authorities are investigating whether the Turkish government or Turkish citizens illegally funneled donations to Adams’ campaign by using “straw donors” — a scheme where contributors listed in official records aren’t the actual source of funding — and whether Adams did quid-pro-quo favors.

Adams has not been accused of wrongdoing.

Sylvia Hinds-Radix, the mayor’s corporation counsel, informed Adams in a letter that the defense fund’s creation voids her office’s involvement in the investigation

Sylvia Hinds-Radix

The Corporation Counsel’s Office will play no role in the ongoing federal investigation into Mayor Adams’ campaign, said the city’s top lawyer Sylvia Hinds-Radix.
Spencer A. Burnett

Former Mayor Bill de Blasio had expressed interest in creating a legal defense fund to help pay off a $300,000 lawyer tab in connection to a federal probe into his own political fundraising.

However, de Blasio never set one up – even after the City Council in 2019 passed legislation creating the new fundraising mechanism.