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NY Post
New York Post
21 Oct 2023

NextImg:Asking for a raise? Stop making this one common mistake — and start raking in the extra cash

Never take “no” for an answer — or, in this case, don’t let it deter you.

This is the biggest mistake people make when requesting a raise at work, according to LinkedIn career expert Charlotte Davies, who urges that if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Not that you want to go in without a strategy your first time out, Davies explained. Asking for a raise is daunting and requires preparation and planning before even approaching the sensitive conversation.

“Ensuring you are well prepared with thoughtful research and careful planning, will give you a much better chance of approaching the conversation with confidence and put yourself in the best position to negotiate an outcome that you’re happy with,” she told Daily Mail.

But taking all the necessary steps and advice doesn’t ensure a resounding “yes” from employers, she warned, although “no” doesn’t mean it will never happen.

Davies implored employees not to give up and let their employer know they’d like to circle back to the topic at a later date, or, at worst, look for another job.

But before jumping to that final, worst case scenario, Davies offered several vital pieces of advice necessary for the best possible outcome.

First, she advised income raise hopefuls to prepare for the negotiations by coming armed with evidence of how you excel at your job and what other companies would pay for similar roles.

Taking “no” as a final answer is the biggest mistake employees can make, and Davies encourages them to circle back around at a later date.

She also recommended rehearsing your spiel — you want to be confident, and practice makes perfect.

Enlist the help of your family, friends or even colleagues to practice discussing your greatest achievements, Davies said, and it might be a good idea to reach out to your network for advice.

Knowing if the timing is right to ask for a raise is also key — in other words, read the room.

If your company has been forced to cut costs or perhaps isn’t performing as expected, it may not be the best time to ask for a bump in income.

Women shaking hands in meeting

If all else fails, Davies said it might be time to look for other opportunities.

However, if you’ve recently finished an impressive project or received praise from your boss, it could be a good time for you to ask for a raise, with those successes as argument for a pay increase.

Negotiation is to be expected, so do your homework, Davies said.

Knowing what comparable roles, salaries and qualifications are available elsewhere could strengthen your case, she added.

But salary isn’t the only benefit companies might be willing to offer — perhaps they can’t offer employees more dough, but they could allow flexible schedules or additional workplace benefits to supplement.

If all else fails and employees have to begin looking elsewhere, it can be difficult to prove your worth to a new employer who has never seen your work ethic or deliverables.

The most common compromise, Davies said, is saying they will reconsider salary after a set amount of time at the company.

In that case, she strongly recommends getting that offer in writing — whether in email or in the formal contract.