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News Busters
2 Mar 2024
Mark Finkelstein

NextImg:'Morning Joe Biden' Show? Scarborough Slams Trump as '5-Year-Old,' 'Petulant Little Brat'

After a day when Joe Biden and Donald Trump both campaigned at the border, guess which one Morning Joe is going to suggest is glaringly inadequate, and which one is presidential.

Check the video from Friday's Morning Joe, starting eight seconds in. You'll see Joe Biden during his visit to the southern border yesterday, accompanied by various officials. They only aired five seconds of Biden's ambulation. And as slowly and unsteadily as Biden proceeds, you really need to see the ensuing 16 seconds to understand just how much he looks like he's too old for the job. MSNBC edited that out. 

Instead, Joe and Mika sliced and diced the two candidate speeches to present Biden as sober and centrist, and Trump as too small for the office, since he mocks "Crooked Joe" and Gov. Gavin "Newscum."

Scarborough compared him to a "five-year-old," a "petulant little brat." Mika added he's a liar. That's apparently now the grown-ups disparage their opponents. 

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Wow. I mean, first of all, first of all, Donald Trump can't even speak in complete sentences.

MIKA: But when he does, he's lying.

SCARBOROUGH: He's throwing out taunts about governors. Again, like he's a child, like he's a five-year-old. And I guess, I don't know, people that, that vote for him like, like petulant little brats. I don't know why. They don't let, they don't let their kids act like petulant little brats, but maybe they think they want a president who's a petulant little brat.

Biden's political ploy is transparent. The guy who has let millions of illegals, aka undocumented Democrats, into our country during his term of office has suddenly become a born-again border hawk. Why? Because he knows that illegal immigration is the #1 issue for Americans, and that he is on the hook for the current disaster.

Does anyone believe for a moment that if Biden won re-election, his professed devotion to securing the border would endure beyond his Second Inaugural? 

In Biden's supposedly bipartisan spiel, he's heard saying "there's no red state or blue state where I come from."

Pro Tip For Biden: Given your history of plagiarism, avoid paraphrasing Obama's famous line from his keynote address at the 2004 Democrat National Convention: "The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into red states and blue states." Obama was perhaps the most divisive of presidents, the man who was caught at a Democrat fundraiser infamously denouncing people from red states as "bitter clingers" to their guns and religion.

As for Biden's geezer walk, we're able to see the entire sad spectacle here, via an X post by @siIentmajority, who juxtaposed the full Biden clip with video of a sure and steady Donald Trump, during his border visit, vigorously shaking hands with a line of military people. The Silent Majority poses the rhetorical question:

"Who displays the characteristics of a strong and confident leader?"

MSNBC is always going to sound like MSDNC, and perhaps no show is more pro-Biden than Morning Joe.

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:16 am ET

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: And now to the border. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both visited Texas towns along the southern border yesterday. [Video clip of Biden haltingly walking begins to roll] In Brownsville, Biden met with local officials and called for compromise after congressional Republicans torpedoed [video of Biden walking ends] a border security bill last month, at the direction of Trump. 

Meanwhile, in Eagle Pass, the former president blamed Democrats for the migrant crisis.

JOE BIDEN: I understand my predecessor's in Eagle Pass today, so here's what I would say to Mr. Trump: join me, or I'll join you, in telling the Congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. We can do it together.

DONALD TRUMP: The United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It's a new form of vicious violation to our country.

BIDEN: There's no red state or blue state where I come from. It's just communities and families looking for help.

TRUMP: This Governor Newscum from California, isn't that his name -- Newscum? What he's done to California is unbelievable.

BIDEN: Instead of playing politics with the issue, why don't we just get together and get it done.

TRUMP: But this is a Joe Biden invasion. Horrible. Crooked Joe is, the blood of thousands of citizen victims.

BIDEN: Compromise is part of the process. That's how democracy works. That's how democracy works. That's how it's supposed to work. 

TRUMP: We did much better in 2020 than we ever even thought about doing in 2016, and very bad things happened.

BIDEN: We work for the American people, not the Democratic party, the Republican party. We work for the American people.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Wow. I mean, first of all, first of all, Donald Trump can't even speak in complete sentences.

MIKA: But when he does, he's lying.

SCARBOROUGH: He's throwing out taunts about governors. Again, like he's a child, like he's a five-year-old. And I guess, I don't know, people that, that vote for him like, like petulant little brats. I don't know why. They don't let, they don't let their kids act like petulant little brats, but maybe they think they want a president who's a petulant little brat.