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Sarah Cowgill

NextImg:From the Back Forty: Do Progressive Politicians Think Americans Are Stupid? - Liberty Nation News

People of the heartland like to look ahead and remain positive about what’s on the other side of the horizon. But those same folks can hold a grudge like a raccoon holds a shiny object. The grudge in question concerns the four years that Joe Biden was president, and what people want to know now is who was calling the far-left shots for the feeble-minded moderate. The Democratic Party and its most progressive politicians occupied the minds and chatter in Middle America this week. Believe it or not, many people are already gearing up for the 2028 presidential showdown.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey urges the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate who oversaw President Biden’s radical left skid on policies. The rest of the heartland is on board, wondering how a once moderate politician jumped – or was pushed – off the progressive cliff.

The Daily Caller got a copy of Bailey’s letter asking who really made the call on those 11th-hour pardons in the final days of the Biden presidency. “I am demanding the DOJ investigate whether President Biden’s cognitive decline allowed unelected staff to push through radical policy without his knowing approval,” Mr. Bailey posted on X. “If true, these executive orders, pardons, and all other actions are unconstitutional and legally void.”

Bailey wrote: “Staffers and the Vice President cannot constitutionally evade accountability by laundering far-left orders through a man who does not know what he is signing.”

Needless to say, From the Back Forty folks are on board. Kathy Hilliard George of Findley, IL, wrote: “Urged??? Order it! The abuse of any sitting president (or anyone) is wrong.” Many folks feel that way, but one state official can’t order the DOJ to do anything.

Sylvia Camp of Chattanooga had her say, as well: “There is so much that needs to be investigated that no one will ever get to the bottom of it!”

The term “elder abuse” was often used on social media platforms. And Dr. Jill frequently came up as the selfish spouse propping up her first lady status. Pam Holland Dolly in Fort Worth was blunt: “Dr Jill exploited him more than anyone!”

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One San Antonio firefighter, Eleazar Flores, had an image stuck in his head for the last four years: “We all know that’s what happened. I remember on Day 1 him uttering the words, ‘I don’t know what I’m signing’ as he signed probably 100 Executive Orders. Anyone who believes he came up with those ideas, well, you need to be evaluated also.”

However, one Midwesterner advises not to waste time or money on an investigation. Reggie Wright in Birmingham proposed: “No need. The books will be coming out soon from insiders.”

California Governor Gavin Newsom has people looking for his body snatchers this week as the slick-haired dandy stated in public that he believes male athletes identifying as female playing in girls’ sports is “deeply unfair.” Newsom noted this on the first episode of his podcast, This is Gavin Newsom. Clever title aside, it wasn’t the first shocking action that Newsom has taken. The man decided his first guess would be Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

How weird. But what happened to his passion for transgender athletes? His past actions would say this may be a ploy, just a trick to make him seem like a normal, middle-of-the-road kind of guy. Newsom’s policies have allowed men in women’s prisons and male athletes in women’s locker rooms. A California law signed in 2023 requires retailers who sell children’s items to have a “gender-neutral” section. A law in 2020 banned schools from creating policies requiring educators, guidance counselors, and other staff to notify parents if their kid wants to change pronouns or use opposite-sex facilities. Where did that gallivanting Gavin go?

Sharon Hoffman in Michigan had to weigh in: “As a former Democrat born and raised, I simply don’t understand why any sane informed American would ever vote Democrat.” Hoffman continued, “Imagine if all those billions of dollars Gavin Newsom blew being a ‘sanctuary’ to illegal aliens could have instead been used to support American Citizens facing the tragedy of the L.A. fires, which were exacerbated by Democrats’ mind-blowing incompetence.”

In Mobile, AL, Robert Baucom said: “Watch. Democrats are intentionally doing this, trying to put together a front false face white male, on the ballot for POTUS. Newsom will be put up front as a conservative type of Democrat when nothing could be further from the truth!”

In the Peach State, Lewis Tracy couldn’t resist: “Oh please… anyone who can’t see this as a stunt to make him look more moderate in the run-up to 2028 is being willfully ignorant. He’s one of the slimiest politicians to ever slither out of the hellscape known as the progressive left.” Arizonan Ilona Bischoff concurred, saying, “Definitely trying to appear moderate.”

In Chanute, KS, Dana Newton brought up the governor’s past public missteps: “He also said that if you ban books that contain pornography from schools, you would have to include the Bible. He sees no difference between them.” That never sits well with folks in the heartland.

The last time anyone checked, one did not roll their eyes, clean their glasses, or file their nails to show respect. Anyone with a thesaurus would call that exhibiting an apathetic attitude. Well, lo and behold, a new member of the Squad has tried to spin the disgraceful behavior exhibited by the Democratic members when they assembled for President Trump’s now iconic and widely popular speech to a joint session of Congress.

Democratic Texas Rep. Greg Casar argued Democrats were extremely respectful of a young cancer survivor, DJ Daniel, who President Donald Trump recognized as a special guest.

“I hope that everybody prints this very clearly,” Casar shared with The Daily Caller: “Every single Democrat has enormous respect for the American people and for cancer survivors. What Democrats stand against is Elon Musk and Donald Trump ripping cancer research to shreds in order to give billionaire tax cuts, firing doctors and nurses who are caring for kids with cancer right now in order for them to take their salaries and put them in their own pockets.”

Martin Sherr, in Hazel Green, AL, had to jump in after the shock of the absurd statement settled. “’Yes … the motor in this car is extra special because it blows out this great blue smoke’ This is the used car salesman equivalent of what this guy is trying to say.”

Mac McCauley, also from the Cotton State, commented: “Yeah, that’s the ticket … that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. That sweet-spirited young man was over the moon in enjoying the moment, and so well deserved! Just my opinion, one out of 332 million of us.”

“Trump should have called them out for that and embarrassed the democrats even more,” said Chris Fugate of Cedarville, OH. “Daddy should have took those signs and gave them spankings for being disrespectful.”

But this week, the last word goes to Ruth Kunsman: “If bulls**t was Bisquick, this guy would be a big pancake.”

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column.