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Mark Schwendau

NextImg:IRS Whistleblower Claims D.C. Officials are Mishandling Probe of Hunter Biden

by Mark Schwendau

If the clowns are not running the circus and the criminals are not ruling the prison, this latest revelation of the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell should be the last nail in the coffin of the Joe Biden presidency.

This week Congressional leaders learned of a high-level IRS investigator’s allegations Wednesday when a lawyer sent them a letter asking for whistle-blower protections for his unidentified client. The letter stated his client, identified as an “I.R.S. criminal supervisory special agent who has been overseeing” an ongoing and sensitive case, had knowledge of misconduct, including political meddling, according to a copy of the letter obtained by The New York Times.

That letter from attorney Mark D. Lytle did not name Hunter Biden. This most recent disclosure bolsters claims by congressional Republicans that a Justice Department run by Joe Biden’s political appointees could not be trusted to make a decision about his son, Hunter.

Lytle’s letter said his client had information that would contradict sworn testimony before Congress from a senior political appointee. It is an apparent reference to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, who has offered assurances that the U.S. attorney in Delaware, David C. Weiss, who was appointed by President Donald J. Trump, would be free to run the investigation.

Fitton says a special counsel must be appointed by the DOJ by Justice Department Regulations.

Thomas Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, mentioned that the Delaware attorney Weiss will not have the investigative resources that were tapped into with the Robert Mueller investigation of Donald Trump. He concluded “That is the kind of in-your-face evidence of corruption and suppression of a legitimate investigation into these issues.”

The DOJ and FBI have stalled a legitimate investigation of the Biden family and the millions of dollars they siphoned off of foreign influencers.

Fitton has outlined a number of serious allegations the Biden family need to be investigated for, including money laundering, acting as a foreign agent without required disclosure, bribery, extortion, tax violations, and conspiracy.

Other charges unrelated to the monetary gains the family illegally collected include illegal drug use, illegal possession of a firearm, human trafficking of women for prostitution and possibly child rape.

These charges were mentioned by others with inside knowledge of the contents of the laptop. Some still shots from the laptop have been leaked on the internet with Hunter’s face in full view with the women/girls he was with blurred out.

Jim Jordan is the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Another aspect that has recently come out to his committee is the fact that some 51 high-ranking intelligence officials signed off on a letter stating the Hunter Biden story was a Russian disinformation campaign knowing it was true. This allowed big tech and the mainstream media the ability to illegitimately quash the story. And this development constitutes the Federal Election Crime of Election Interference.

This letter of outright lies of election interference, was exposed by Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director under President Barack Obama. He said in a recent transcribed interview with congressional investigators that, before his Oct. 17 phone call with now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he had no intention to write the Oct. 19 Hunter Biden laptop letter. He testified “yes” and “absolutely” when asked if the call from Blinken, who was then a top adviser for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, was what “triggered that intent in you” developing the letter.

Their letter was prompted after the New York Post began to report on the Hunter Biden laptop as well as its contents. Needlessly to say, the Post does not feel just vindicated but angry: “Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story.”

Fitton and many others think the partisan DOJ and FBI is not prosecuting Hunter Biden because it will take down Joe Biden as he acts presidential. They have been stalling this case now for 5 years and that is indefensible.

For those who wish to listen to the hour long presentation on this bombshell news from Tom Fitton and his Judicial Watch, you may do so on this link.

It is good to see some high level taxpayer employees of Washington, D.C., still have a conscious and a soul to know right from wrong!

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau

Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.