Feb 16, 2025  |  
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M Dowling

NextImg:Alex Soros: "Um, Uh, You Know, Uh...Trump Took That All Away"

Alex Soros fears Donald Trump will come in and take away all their plans for their new narrative and world order. We added emphasis in the transcript. Definitely watch the unwoke ad at the end – it’s so good.

“I don’t think technology is the fundamental issue in in democracy,” Alex Soros began. “Democracy is messy. I mean, you know, democracy is about condensation of ideas, it’s about plurality, it’s about people having different truths actually. Now, fundamentally, how society was together civically in those contestations is, you know, is, you know, quite, quite a, quite a, quite tricky.

Alex, son of Satan, continued. “But I think that if we play too much on this disinformation card, we’re taking responsibility away from ourselves to actually create a narrative that inspires people to vote and to believe in you know, in um in um democracy and democratic institutions …

“I think that we can talk about institutions as these abstract things. But institutions are also about people and, um, you know, um, we just heard this point about untrustworthy people, and we talked about things in the United States like, you know, like checks and balances, which aren’t written anywhere but are customs. “And one man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that, you know, took that, took that all away, um, so um, so um, you know, so um, but when I see this when I look at this so um, so um, when I so you know, you know, more globally regarding, you know, regarding democracy,” Alex um, you know, um, says.

Alex says, you know. “I also say to myself, when was this great time that everybody got along so well? And you know, things were going so great? I mean, I think, you know, the, you know, I think that we really have to be careful here in, you know, in this nostalgia for a time, you know, for a time past, because a lot of the reactions we’re seeing in society are actually reactions to positive things like you know, like equality for women, you know, and um uh and greater diversity which comes with backlash.”

I might have missed an “um,” or a “you know,” here and there. Alex, a multi-billionaire doesn’t think things were so great before, but the global elites in charge will fix that. Once we are all serfs, everything will be great. Once we are diverse, except for white people and Christians, all will be well. For someone who thinks we all have our truths, he wants to foist him on us.

Alex needs to give up public speaking. And, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

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