Oct 21, 2024  |  
 | Remer,MN
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M Dowling

NextImg:A Possible Biden Catastrophe Is Developing

Biden is crushing the middle class in every way possible. He’s constantly looking for ways to take money from the middle class, making them pay for everything imaginable from gender surgeries to climate reparations to wars to bringing in foreigners to take their jobs. His administration has deliberately destroyed the underpinnings of our energy sector and spurred inflation.

It’s not really Biden of course. It’s the people controlling him, many of whom worked int he Obama administration.

Biden and those behind him adhere to the principles of the World Economic Forum. You’ll own nothing and be happy.

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel all oil and natural gas drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that were sold during the Trump administration. The claim is it will protect the region’s array of wildlife, combat climate change and honor Indigenous residents.

Every American whether they became citizens last week or their family came in the 1600s is an indigenous person.

The indigenous people ideology is nuts.

Interior Department Secretary Deb Haaland authorized the cancellations of seven leases held by Alaska’s state-owned economic development agency, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, in the remote coastal region that sprawls more than 19 million acres bordering Canada to the east and the Beaufort Sea to the north.

These Biden people don’t care if it destroys the middle class.

Deb Haaland

I want to make sure that you understand what is about to happen so you can prepare.

Biden canceled all of the Alaska drilling on Federal land. At the same time he stopped allowing liquid natural gas from being transported by train.

That leaves the only mode of transportation by trucking. About 2 months ago the largest trucking company went out of business:

Yellow, one of the nation’s largest freight and trucking companies, announced it is shutting down, leading to one of the largest mass layoffs in recent history and potential shipping cost increases. The company is in bankruptcy just three years after getting a $700 million loan from taxpayers.

So that is going to create a massive supply chain issue of liquid natural gas which means your utility bills as well as the price of gas is going to skyrocket.

Biden used 300 million gallons of gas from our reserves to keep the gas prices artificially low. They can’t do that anymore. They have set us up in every way to purposely make gas prices and utility prices skyrocket so fill all of your gas cans, buy propane ect NOW while you can still afford it.

You don’t know if it’s going to happen until it happens, but what she said is plausible.

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