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Gateway Pundit
The Gateway Pundit
18 Nov 2023
The Western Journal

NextImg:Joe Rogan's Story About Trump and the 'Right-Wing Avengers' Should Terrify the Left

The more they persecute him, the stronger he becomes.

During Saturday’s Ultimate Fighting Championship 295 event in New York City, former President Donald Trump — accompanied by Kid Rock, Tucker Carlson and UFC President and CEO Dana White — made an iconic entrance into Madison Square Garden.

Comedian, podcaster and longtime UFC color commentator Joe Rogan described the scene as reminiscent of a superhero film.

“He walks out to Kid Rock’s ‘American Badass’ with Kid Rock and Tucker Carlson, walking in like the right-wing Avengers, and the place went nuts,” Rogan said Thursday on his podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

The high-volume, high-energy rap-rock single “American Badass” became a hit for Kid Rock in 2000.

Readers who wish to view the entrance of Trump and his “right-wing Avengers” may do so here:

Meanwhile, Rogan’s full commentary highlighted what he perceived as a massive energy shift in Trump’s favor.

“One of the wildest aspects of it is that every time they go after him he rises in the polls,” Rogan said to Mike Baker, a frequent guest on Rogan’s podcast.

Furthermore, from his vantage point as UFC color commentator, Rogan noticed a big difference. In the past, for instance, Trump received a mix of cheers and boos at UFC events. But no more.

“Now, when he walked out at Madison Square Garden [on Saturday], it was f***ing bananas. It was — the whole place was cheering,” Rogan said.

In fact, Nia Renee Hill — wife of comedian Bill Burr — made headlines as a lone dissenter who flipped two middle fingers in Trump’s direction. Otherwise, the former president felt the near-unanimous love.

“He’s on the screen, and I’m telling you, that 99 percent of them,” Rogan said before turning his head to the side and mumbling the lone exception: “Bill Burr’s wife.”

That brought laughter from Baker. In fact, Rogan called Hill’s double-fingered salute a “Bud Light moment,” suggesting that she or her husband might suffer the kind of backlash that has plagued Bud Light since its ill-advised woke partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in April.

Rogan then asked his staff to pull up the video of Trump’s entrance. In the meantime, the podcast host kept describing the scene from Saturday.

“I’m telling you, the f***ing cheers of the crowd were nuts. I mean, it was overwhelmingly in support of him. And it lasted a loooong time,” he recalled.

Indeed, Rogan said the cheering continued for more than a minute.

“Imagine a minute of people screaming at the top of their lungs,” he added.

Citizen Free Press, a prominent conservative account on the social media platform X, posted the clip from Rogan’s show. Readers can view that clip below:

Trending: UPDATE: House Speaker Mike Johnson OFFICIALLY Releases First Batch of January 6 Surveillance Camera Footage – And Guess What?… No Insurrection! No Riot!

WARNING: The following video contains strong language that some may find offensive. 

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We know that Trump’s enemies are terrified of this energy. Two sham impeachments and four sham indictments have only made him more popular. So they have to try something else.

In fact, this week they trotted out an old play from their fear-mongering playbook when they fixated on Trump’s use of the word “vermin” at a New Hampshire campaign event over the weekend.

The former president promised to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

Fed-up Americans will cheer him as he does, just as they cheered him in New York on Saturday.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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