Remember previous Orwellian rebrands of…
Terrorism as ‘man-caused disasters’
Criminals as ‘justice-involved persons’
Women as ‘chestfeeders’.
The woke language brigade is at it again.
After renaming ‘bums’ as the ‘homeless’, they tried rebranding ‘homeless’ as ‘unhoused’ (which is just the same thing with an even bigger emphasis on the housing, as if that were the issue, rather than the drugs, alcohol and mental illness) and now it’s not ‘homelessness’, it’s ‘urban camping’.
Surely changing the term will help.
I had seen the use of ‘urban camping’ locally in social services and legal documents, but the media is trying to get its latest Newspeak term go national.
As Kentucky makes urban camping a crime, ‘homeless court’ seeks to avoid punishment – Reuters
It’s not ‘camping’. Going to the woods and putting up a tent is camping. Setting up a tent on Wilshire Blvd or Fifth Avenue is squatting at best.
Trying to make these operations which include drug use, disease, prostitution, and human waste seem like going to fish by a lake is dishonest and idiotic. It certainly does not help the people involved and attempts to dismiss the complaints by living in these neighborhoods who face surges of violence and crime.
They should have also learned by now that renaming horrible things doesn’t help. They’ve tried rebranding ‘homeless’ because it’s a political neologism that has now come to mean exactly what the originals, bums and hobos, did. They’ll have to rename ‘unhoused’ too before long and if they want to associate camping with methheads chasing local kids with broken pipes, it’ll damage the term ‘camping’ more than it will legitimize the neighborhood-destroying habits of the social services sectors and its armies of taxpayer-funded bums.