"After shopping at a department store and pet supplies shop dressed as a woman, [the teacher] headed home to get changed and emerged dressed as a man 30 minutes later," The New York Post wrote Friday.
The teacher was reportedly spotted in the neighborhood wearing "men’s sweatpants, trainers, a gray T-shirt and a navy puffer vest without breasts, makeup, glasses or wig."
The unnamed neighbor allegedly has seen the teacher more often as a man than an as a transgendered woman.
These newly-surfaced images will further fuel suspicion from critics that the teacher is gaming the Ontario education system by pulling a controversial stunt versus actually being diagnosed with gender dysmorphia.

A shop teacher in Ontario has made international headlines for wearing prosthetic breasts to school. (Tucker Carlson Tonight/Screenshot)
The teacher, whom the district has refused to identify, went viral in September after videos of the giant prosthetic breasts and nipple surfaced. The Canadian teacher works at Oakville Trafalgar High School.

The trans teacher sparking international headlines was spotted wearing huge prosthetic breasts at the pool. ((Screengrab/ Tucker Carlson Tonight))
Some have argued that the district was required by Canadian law to allow the transgender teachers to dress as they please, while others have said the attire is sexual, and therefore extremely inappropriate to be worn around minor children.
The trustees have requested the dress and decorum policy be presented in a report by March 1, 2023, with an interim report in February 2023.
Fox News' Hannah Grossman contributed to this report.