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John Frankman

NextImg:Why Trump’s Order To Restore Unvaccinated Troops Doesn’t Go Far Enough

President Trump recently signed an executive order to reinstate service members kicked out of the military for refusing to receive the COVID vaccine. The EO states they will be given their former rank, full back pay, and benefits. While this EO is a crucial first step, it doesn’t go far enough.

In addition to the provisions of the EO, an adjudication board, court martials, and support for those vaccine injured are needed to repair the considerable damage. To understand why the EO is insufficient to repair the military and restore trust, one must first understand the extent of the damage the mandate caused.

The mandate destroyed careers and upended lives. Over 8,000 troops were involuntarily kicked out for refusing to take the vaccine while tens of thousands more chose to leave after facing career hardships and the real possibility of being kicked out.

Service members’ religious rights were trampled as individual accommodation requests were dismissed wholesale in a manner so blatantly unconstitutional, injunctions were issued by federal judges to put a stop to these illegal practices. Meanwhile, troops with pending religious accommodation requests were de facto punished for even submitting an exemption as they couldn’t deploy, travel TDY (temporary duty), or PCS (permanent change of station) to future duty assignments.

The unvaccinated were harassed and suffered disparate treatment. They often had to wear masks while the vaccinated did not, were subjected to weekly COVID tests, were denied use of facilities such as the gym during certain hours designated only for the vaccinated, and were quarantined for extended periods of time. At some training environments, the unvaccinated were ordered to wear red wrist bands and red tape on their gear to indicate their “unclean” status.

Former Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his flag officers did everything in their power to coerce service members to get the vaccine and punish those who refused.

Even worse, some who received the COVID shot were medically injured, including with life altering ailments. The extent of this damage is unknown as information provided by the Department of Defense from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) has been incomplete.

To add insult to injury, the mandate was likely illegal as many troops claim no FDA approved product was available as required by 10 U.S. Code § 1107a.

All of this has no doubt contributed to the worst recruiting crisis in modern history.

Given this extensive damage, three things must be done to make this right.

First, there must be an adjudication board to repair the careers of affected troops. Those who refused the vaccine lost out on deployments, career enhancing schools, and promotions; received adverse paperwork for refusing to comply with a “lawful order”; and likely received bad evaluations for not being a “team player.” An adjudication board will assess these lost career opportunities and help affected service members get their careers back on track, not simply return them to their same rank. Failure to repair their careers would mean punishment even if they returned to service.

Second, to ensure this never happens again, flag officers who enforced this unlawful order and persecuted their subordinates must be held accountable through court martial. Trump’s service secretaries have the authority to conduct these court martials and can even recall retired flag officers to active duty so that they can be tried. Firing a few Generals so they can receive a fat retirement check and find jobs in the Military Industrial Complex won’t cut it. Their actions caused irreparable harm to service members and to restore trust, there must be real accountability.

Third, there must be an investigation into the health effects of the COVID shots on service members and medical compensation for those who have been vaccine injured. Troops, often against their will, were ordered to take an experimental shot with known negative side effects. Many of them now report adverse reactions and some of them experienced life altering ailments. These service members must receive TRICARE for life and the Department of Veterans Affairs must add reactions from the COVID shot to be covered as a Toxic Exposure Risk Activity (TERA) under the PACT Act.

President Trump and Secretary Hegseth are committed to making the military lethal and taking care of service members. This initial EO reinstating those kicked out with backpay is greatly appreciated. However, more needs to be done to repair the extensive damage, restore trust, and prevent similar overreach in the future.

With a better understanding of the harmful effects of the COVID vaccine mandate, I believe President Trump and Secretary Hegseth will seek broader repair and accountability. This must include an adjudication board, court martials, and care for the vaccine injured.

* * *

John Frankman was a Captain in the U.S. Army who served as a Green Beret assigned to 7th Special Forces Group. On July 1st, 2023, he was forced out of the Army due to difficulties with the COVID 19 vaccine mandate.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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