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The Daily Wire
Daily Wire
29 Apr 2023
Daily Wire News

NextImg:Sanders On Why Democrats Won’t Primary Biden: ‘Has To Do With A Fear Of Growth Of Right-Wing Extremism’ | The Daily Wire

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said in an interview late this week that the reason Democrats are not going to primary 80-year-old President Joe Biden is because of right-wing extremism.

The socialist senator made the remarks during an interview with Chris Wallace on CNN’s “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace.”

“Why is it that not a single leading Democrat is willing to contest that nomination in the primaries” Wallace asked. “Why do you think that is?”

“I suspect that it has to do with a fear of the growth of right-wing extremism in this country, and that is the Republican Party over the last number of years, accelerated by Trumpism, has not become not a conservative party, but a right-wing extremist party,” Sanders responded. “And this is a party that — not all, by any means, but you have many of the leaders who actually don’t believe in democracy anymore. You have many Republicans maintaining the lie that Trump actually won the election.”




WALLACE: President Biden announced this week that he is running for re-election, you have already endorsed him. Why is it that not a single leading Democrat is willing to contest that nomination in the primaries? Why do you think that is?

SANDERS: I suspect that it has to do with a fear of the growth of right-wing extremism in this country, and that is the Republican Party over the last number of years, accelerated by Trumpism, has not become not a conservative party but a right-wing extremist party. And this is a part that — not all, by any means, but you have many of the leaders who actually don’t believe in democracy anymore. You have many Republicans maintaining the lie that Trump actually won the election. You have Republicans working overtime to deny low-income people, people of color, young people the right to vote, people defended the insurrection in January 6th.

So, the first answer to your question, Chris, is that I think there’s a great fear in this country about attacks on democracy. We want to maintain democracy.

WALLACE: So, you are saying it’s more fear of Donald Trump and MAGA than it is enthusiasm for Joe Biden?

SANDERS: Well, I think that’s half of it. But the other half is a recognition, I think, that while Biden has not done everything I would like to have seen done, let’s talk about what he has accomplished, which is no small thing.