Parents of children going back to school, be warned! Your kids will continue to learn Marxist critical theories, hyper-sexualization, anti-American propaganda, social justice advocacy, that capitalism is racist and that America is systemically racist. They will be taught to hate themselves, others and their country.
You would think that with all the legislation passed around the country to curtail these insidious pedagogies, parents could be more assured that teachers would get back to academics. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of evidence that teachers and administrators are admitting they will continue to indoctrinate children by finding ways to get around the new laws.
In fact, when the battle over critical race theory emerged several years ago, over 5,000 teachers across the country signed a pledge initiated by the Zinn Education Project saying, “We, the undersigned educators, refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events — regardless of the law.” Accompanying the Zinn Education Project pledge is a statement that reads, “The major institutions and systems of our country are deeply infected with anti-Blackness and its intersection with other forms of oppression. To not acknowledge this and help students understand the roots of U.S. racism is to deceive them.”
The Zinn Education Project provides training and materials to schools based on the approach to history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s controversial book, “A People’s History of the United States.” In 2019, Dr. Mary Grabar published a book titled “Debunking Howard Zinn,” wherein she identifies Zinn as a communist and provides evidence to expose the lies in his rewrite of American history.
Another example of school officials evading the law is found in a South Carolina law prohibiting the use of state funds to teach tenets of critical race theory. Many South Carolina school districts skirted the law by using federal COVID relief money to continue implementing “culturally relevant pedagogy,” diversity, equity and inclusion and “social emotional learning,” which are all conduits for Marxist critical theories.
Other tried and true ways to equivocate the law are also being implemented. Just as nearly every state in the nation rebranded their Common Core standards a decade ago to sidestep pushback from lawmakers and parents, an Idaho principal and district instructional coach said they would merely rebrand social emotional learning as “behavior adaptations” and “mental health curriculum.”
Moreover, many districts around the country are doubling down on grooming children into believing they are a gender contrary to their biological sex. Fargo Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi said: “We will not openly out any student because of one law if we know that that’s going to cause harm to that child.” It appears school officials will not only continue to influence children to reconsider their biological sex, but they will continue to do it behind the backs of parents.
There is a ray of hope in California’s Chino Valley Unified School District, where parents recently applauded the removal of California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond from its school board meeting. Thurmond spoke in opposition to a proposed local school district policy “to require teachers to notify parents of students that identify as transgender.” Even in very liberal California, parents object to indoctrination and local districts are stepping up to regain control of their classrooms despite pressure from the state government to push their anti-parent policies.
Parents, as well as every freedom-loving American, need to be aware of what is happening in government schools with their tax dollars. Parents should start by watching the groundbreaking documentary Truth & Lies in American Education to become fully informed of the array of dangerous philosophies children are taught. Then they can connect with others in their community to fight this battle for the minds of children. It ultimately is a battle of good versus evil.
A parent’s first line of defense should be to protect their children. The toxic agenda in government schools is tantamount to child abuse. Once children are safe, we must work together to protect our country’s freedom. If we don’t stop the indoctrination of children, we will lose our very freedom. As Abraham Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the schoolroom for one generation is the philosophy of the government of the next.”
Sheri Few is the Founder and President of United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) whose mission is to end the U.S. Department of Education and all federal education mandates. Few has written extensively about critical race theory and served as executive producer for the documentary film titled “Truth & Lies in American Education.”
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