On Friday’s broadcast of ABC’s “GMA3,” Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) blamed President Joe Biden’s poor numbers among young black voters on “a lot of misinformation going on out here. There are a lot of things being said that [are] just not true.” And people basing their opinions on “incomplete” information.
Co-host DeMarco Morgan asked, “How concerned are you when it comes to the President’s ability to reach black voters? The President has an approval rating of 65% amongst black Americans aged 50 and up, but that drops down to 32% amongst black Americans under the age of 50. Are you concerned?”
Clyburn responded, “I’m concerned with the reporting of this, yes. When I see those numbers, my goodness, if there’s any truth to the numbers — which, I don’t believe them, because I talk to black people all the time. I have three black daughters. They tell me differently. My grandchildren tell me differently. So, I don’t know where those numbers are coming from. But when you ask a question and someone is basing their opinion on incomplete information or misinformation and the other side seems to be pretty good at misinformation, we know what happened in the last election, they didn’t stop when the election was over. It’s still going on now. So, there’s a lot of misinformation going on out here. There are a lot of things being said that [are] just not true. And I think that we are going to break through that when it goes one-on-one.”
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