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Boston Herald editorial staff

NextImg:Letters to the editor

I was very happy to see that letter writers are back in full force over at the Boston Herald. I have always viewed the letters section as a way for the readership to allow editors the opportunity to actually interact with its readers. Always good to know that readers are following the news and that they would take the time to respond with their own opinions as to what makes news today.

Last Sunday was the 57th anniversary of the first letter of mine  published. The day was March 3, 1968. I sent in a one-paragraph submission concerning the handling of the Vietnam War under the Johnson Administration. I was only 19 years old. I was so proud to see that letter published and I haven’t stopped sending them in. By the way, back then Boston had the Hearst Corporation publishing both the Record American and the Sunday Advertiser.

Newspapers used to be fat with news and advertising. Over the years things have changed as the internet and social media have negatively impacted print media outlets. However, for as long as newspapers are  published there will always need to be a place for readers to react to what they read. I hope newspapers will survive because a democratic republic needs them to do so. The more we all know, the better we all are and the stronger America will be. Letter writers love living in the public square sharing thoughts and ideas with one another.

If we start reading the printed news again, there is actually  a chance we can all end up talking to each other in public once again rather than just obsessing to our electrical devices.  To paraphrase something Benjamin Franklin said centuries ago, “We have a free press but only if we use it. ” Write On!

Sal Giarratani

East  Boston

Does Governor Healey realize there are other budget options in lieu of raising taxes?  Meeting with legislative budget writers: taxes (candy, nicotine products) and limiting the charitable contribution largesse (deductions) of the Commonwealth’s taxpayers seem to be the only tools in her toolbox to have sufficient budgetary funds (“Federal Cuts Loom Large Over Budget,” March 7). The focus always seems to be what more can taxpayers pay.

Likely an anathema to those on Beacon Hill, has the governor heard the dreaded two-word phrase, “level funding?” Simple math tells us a level funded budget is $4 billion less than her current proposal. Where it’s tough to cut expenses there are always employee furloughs or requiring said employees to use vacation time which we know with every passing public employee buyout/retirement involves significant dollars.

There are ways other than continually burdening the Commonwealth’s taxpayers with new taxes, such as treating ‘candy like cupcakes,’ Governor.

Paul Stewart
