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Boston Herald editorial staff

NextImg:Letters to the editor

Kudos to the Boston Herald for its recent coverage of the very unsettling deal making that has taken place between the City of Boston and the (investor group behind the) professional women’s soccer team (“Kraft blasts Wu’s ‘rigged’ White Stadium soccer deal,” Boston Herald, Feb. 26). I want to support efforts being made by Josh Kraft to push for much more transparency by city officials who reportedly seemed in cahoots with soccer team investors. Seemed like a done deal from its conception. Why else would the RFP go out so late in the negotiations? The Boston Herald story pointed out there was only one bidder for the stadium rehab.

What no one is talking about is the George Robert White Fund which financed the building of the original White Stadium back in 1949. Is this new public-private partnership what George Robert White imagined when he created his trust of $5 million to the City of Boston upon his death in 1922?

I support Josh Kraft’s call for an independent probe to see if Mayor Wu violated procurement policies or laws, especially since taxpayers are set to cover half the cost which seems to have been increasing in recent weeks.

Too many unanswered questions here. By the way, the George Robert White trust fund has five trustees including the president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, president of the Boston Bar Association, the City Auditor, City Council president and the Mayor of Boston Michelle Wu.

Thank you Josh Kraft for taking on the business as usual attitude in the halls of city government.

Sal Giarratani

East Boston

Jack Zaccardi is 100% correct in his desire to leave daylight savings time as is.  While I like most of Trump’s initiatives, this is one that he should simply refrain from implementing.  Daylight savings time has been in effect for decades, and having an extra hour of evening sunshine taken away from us is of no benefit at all to America, either financially or otherwise.  Plus, I like to play a round of golf at about 7 p.m., where I can easily get in nine holes before it gets dark in June and July.  Time change does not disrupt anyone’s lives at all, and making this change is simply unnecessary. Stick with growing the economy, along with foreign policy initiatives that are necessary, and leave time change where it is, as pretty much no one objects to leaving it that way.

Tony Siciliano
