Good morning Horde, hopefully you are warm and dug out from the recent storms. Before we the thread commences just a few housekeeping matters (Rulz for those of you in Deer Park, WI).
- This is an open thread. Feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate away.
- It's troll season be nice there are hall monitors for your safety.
- Running with sharp objects is highly frowned upon.
- Have a great weekend!
Count 'em, 12 stimulating facts about coffee.
Thank you Annie for compiling today's Prayer List.
Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.
Prayer Requests:
12/5 – Jewells45 sent an update. She spent 5 hours seeing the doctor, waiting, getting the infusion of new drugs, waiting some more…. The news is a mixed bag: some improved, some stable, and some worsened, and new metastases in her lungs and ribcage. The pain is daily, but manageable for now. The good news was that it has not spread.
12/6 Update – Jewells is in tremendous pain since she started on the new drug treatment: headache, chest pain like a heart attack, joints... She can’t eat or function.
12/16 Update – Jewells says she is doing better. She saw the NP and addressed the issues she was having. They are going to tweak a few things next time. It will still probably be bad but hopefully not as bad. She will tough this out until the next CT scan. If she continues to feel as horrible as she did, then she will ask for other options. If there aren’t any, well…..
12/16 – Jim (in kalifornia) could still use prayers. His wife is in the hospital for a routine procedure to put in liver stents. It didn’t go well. She is on antibiotics. She is in a catch-22: she can’t get chemo until her liver is healthy enough, but the tumors are also damaging her liver. Jim had an abdominal bug and had to go to the ER, but he’s better.
12/27 Update – The doctor confirmed that his wife is going through liver failure. Her “liver” is huge and 90% composed of metastases. He has no estimate for how long she has.
1/13 Update – Jim’s wife has started on hospice care. She mostly sleeps (12-15 hours/day) but is mostly not in pain, thank the Lord. She is mostly able to walk around on her own for now (with Jim there to make sure she doesn’t fall down and get hurt). She is sad that she won’t be able to see their youngest child reach 18.
12/21 – Skip would appreciate prayers for recovery for his mom. She had a mini stroke before Christmas. She got to the hospital and seems fine and no outward side effects. She should be in rehabilitation soon.
12/21 – Nurse Ratched asked for prayers for a rare commenter that she knows, whose mother is dying. She is in her 90s and had a good run. Please pray for peace and calm at her passing. She is at home and on hospice.
12/21 – NaCly Dog asked for prayers for the mother-in-law of his old boss, who went to hospice.
12/21 – PD asked for prayers for Nick, who was recently diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. He will undergo aggressive chemotherapy. Prayers are needed for strength for him and his son.
12/21 – Oddbob asked for prayers that his house in TX sells soon. They had to move to NE on short notice a few months ago, to help care for their granddaughter. They don’t have the resources to pay for rent and also the mortgage for very long.
12/21 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers again for Baby Lillian. She is back in the hospital with a hemoglobin issue. Baby Lillian is the great-niece of a member of her congregation.
12/26 – Anonosaurus Wrecks and Mrs. Wrecks could use some prayers. They had a terrible Christmas. Mrs. Wrecks took out the trash on Christmas Eve, and fell and broke her leg and her wrist. Then their daughter accidentally overdosed their dog with insulin. They had to take the dog to a super expensive emergency vet, but the dog is okay now. Mrs. Wrecks is still in the hospital because no pharmacies were open, so she couldn’t get any pain meds. She also needs special medical equipment.
12/27 – TecumsehTea requested prayers for a dear friend, Pastor Joe, who has a benign brain tumor that they have been watching. It has grown about ¾ of an inch in the past 6 months and needs to be removed. It’s in a tricky spot, making the surgery risky, but they can’t leave it for much longer. In the past 2 years he has dealt with a heart attack and prostate cancer, and now this. He has deep faith and trusts the Lord. His family is understandably anxious. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors, peace and comfort for his family, for continued mercy and healing for Pastor Joe.
1/13 Update – Pastor Joe has gotten a second opinion and they agreed to take out the tumor. Waiting on an MRI (January 23), and then they will be able to schedule surgery.
12/29 – Captain Hate’s daughter sent word that Captain Hate had died. He had a steep decline over the past week. She sent the family’s thanks for the support.
12/30 – FenelonSpoke updated the Horde on their church organist, Jessie (age 95). She now has bronchitis. Prayers are much appreciated.
1/6 Update – Jessie has recovered from bronchitis and appreciates the prayers.
12/31 – Weak Geek and his family could use prayers. His father died on 12/26. He was 87. His passing was peaceful; he had been put on morphine for comfort care.
1/3 – Browndog asked for prayers. His PSA will be tested today, to see what’s up (or down). It’s been four years since he began this fight (#howwedoing).
1/6 – Our Country is Screwed asked for prayers for his daughter. At 26 years old, she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. They are still running tests and scans to determine what treatment options are available.
1/6 – Mindful Webworker asked for prayers for his oldest friend, who has some throat problem; looking at being fed via a tube. He’s a great guy and has been through a lot.
1/10 – GnuBreed posted that he has been mostly absent from the comments as he strove to get a liver transplant. He was not able to, due to a worn out body, and he will be entering hospice soon. His end is near. He says the transplant team made a fair judgement.
1/12 – Washington Nearside’s last day of employment has come and gone. He plans to withdraw his TSP and retirement contributions to buy time and then evaluate whether or not to list his house. His ex-wife, learning of his change in employment, is filing to contest his sole custody of their two children, and his lawyer has explained that without a job, he is likely to lose custody. Please pray that he can find employment sufficient to keep his house and his kids before losing both.
1/13 – Tipperdi asked for prayers. Her cousin lost his 23-year-old daughter in a car accident in mid-December. He’s having a hard time coping and Tipperdi is worried about his mental health.
1/13 – Screaming in digital requested prayers for R, a beloved family member who has pancreatic cancer. He is feeling pretty normal at this point. It was discovered while checking for something else. It doesn’t look like there are any reasonable treatment options for him, though.
1/26 – Pooky’s girl shared the good news that they are expecting a baby, approximately 9/21/2024! Please pray that it all goes smoothly for them and the new baby.
1/18 – CBD noted that long-time commenter, moon_over_vermont, passed away at the end of December.
For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.