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Ace Of Spades HQ
Ace Of Spades HQ
16 Dec 2023

NextImg:The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

Good morning Gang. Before we the Prayer Revival only a few housekeeping measures to take care of. (Rulz for those of you in Mauston)
1. Thank Annie for her efforts.
2. This is an open thread, feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate away.
3. The Sydneys of the world need kindness. Hectors too.
4. Running with sharp objects might dash your Holiday Party plans.
5. Have a wonderful weekend.

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

11/18 - Update on Mindful Webworker: he is scheduled to have surgery the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, but for now, he is out of the hospital and home, where the coffee is good! Milady Jo could use some prayers, as she will be getting hip replacement surgery in Dec.

11/4 – Oddbob asked for prayers for his granddaughter. Without going into details, please pray hard for baby E. Thank you.
11/18 Update – Baby E is doing much better, but please keep praying. She and her parents (and grandparents) will need them for the long haul.

11/4 – Creeper asked for prayers again for his friend “Q”. We had prayed for Q, who had a bad back, and then had a temporary nerve stimulator put in, which helped tremendously. They installed the permanent stimulator last week, and it was a disaster. He woke up in excruciating pain, running a low fever, and vomiting. A CT scan found an ileus. It seems to have been caused by the stimulator, and if it doesn’t clear on its own, he will have to have it removed.
11/18 Update – They turned the TENS off for a few days. Then when they turned it back on, it was a big success. Q has control over the machine and is learning it fast. He’s not pain free – he never will be – but he is very happy with “tolerable”. Thank you to the ‘rons and ‘ettes. You’re the best.

11/15 – That Northerlurker what lurkd needs help. He commented that he is in the worst financial situation of his life, but the people in his town are reaching out to him to help. He added that the only thing worse than financial stress is asking for help.
11/19 Update That Northernlurker posted that he is on his first day of homelessness.

11/18 – Tonypete asked for prayers for the repose of the soul of B. He took his own life suddenly and without any apparent reason. He is greatly missed by his family, his classmates, and his teachers. He was an 8th grader.

11/18 – Hadrian the Seventh thanked everyone for the prayers for his sister. She came through her heart valve surgery with no problems and is recovering nicely.

11/18 – DMB had a job offer in Sarasota, FL that was withdrawn. God, in His providence, had better plans for DMB. He has now relocated to Ft. Lauderdale, and is still unpacking boxes, but started his new job this week! Praise be to God!

11/19 – FenelonSpoke requested prayers for a 2 month old baby named Lillian, who has a UTI and possible meningitis. Please pray for healing.

11/21 – BD asked for prayers for his brother Paul. Paul is very ill, and gets worse every day. He has had a long, painful, fight with congenital issues with his lymphatic system. He’s only 57 and deserved better. Please pray for a miracle and for his soul. BD thanks the people here who make his day every day, but recently it hasn’t been enough to overcome his sorrow.

11/22 – Fox2! requested prayers for his newborn great-nephew, J, who is in the NICU. He turned blue overnight. Please pray for him and his family.
11/18 Update – J is out of the hospital and progressing nicely. Thanks for the prayers.

11/18 – Fen asked for prayers for R, someone in her congregation. R’s dementia is making him angry and verbally abusive, which is hard for his daughters. R’s wife died several years ago. They are having trouble finding additional caregivers to help out. Prayers that rough places could be made smooth for this dear family are appreciated.

11/18 – Reforger asks for prayers for grandchild #2, prayers that he will begin to figure out that every time Papa says “you’re going to get hurt doing that”, he would listen instead of getting hurt ,and proving Papa right over and over again. Also, Reforger is afraid he will lose one of his best friends soon. She grew up in a smoking house and has smoked since she was 13, and a minor flu has turned into a 4 day stay in the hospital. Reforger is trying to quit, too.

11/18 – G asked for prayers for a friend’s wife (named Ileana), who is undergoing cancer surgery. Prayers for a successful outcome and a speedy recovery.

12/2 – Muldoon asked for prayers for the healing of a leg infection suffered by the man who was scheduled to carry out the GPR survey of the property where the cadaver dog team found strong evidence of human remains, in a location that is highly plausible as a potential site where Muldoon’s F-I-L was buried by his neighbor. The infection has caused an indefinite delay in further searches, as this individual is the key team member for the GPR analysis. Prayers both for the infection to heal and for the process of discovering Jack’s remains to move forward.

12/4 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers as she went to visit a man “M” in the hospital. He’s not a member of her congregation, but is a friend of a friend who was okay with her visiting. He has had one thing after another, and has been in and out of the hospital. Prayers for his healing would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

12/5 – Jewells45 sent an update. She spent 5 hours seeing the doctor, waiting, getting the infusion of new drugs, waiting some more…. The news is a mixed bag: some improved, some stable, and some worsened, and new metastases in her lungs and ribcage. The pain is daily, but manageable for now. The good news was that it has not spread.
12/6 Update – Jewells is in tremendous pain since she started on the new drug treatment: headache, chest pain like a heart attack, joints... She can’t eat or function.

121/6 – SP sent thanks to God for the prayers answered for Lilibeth, who we prayed for 2 years ago. After months of surgeries and chemo, she was declared tumor free this past week. Thank you all!

12/6 – Vic posted that his computer broke, and he has been in the hospital for 2.5 months with another cancer diagnosis.

12/6 – Jordan61 posted and asked for “good vibes”. His heart rate was going nuts and he was feeling some pressure in his chest so he went to the ER. He’d had one blood draw and was waiting for another to compare with – then he’d know whether he’d have to be admitted to the hospital.

12/9 – Eromero asked for prayers for his friend Lauren, as her gallbladder had turned on her.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.