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Ace Of Spades HQ
Ace Of Spades HQ
21 Oct 2023

NextImg:Saturday Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

Our good friend and my fellow Cob Weasel is in Texas conducting Pew-Pew classes. But before he hit the road he shared the following with us.
Good morning folks. Before we get into the Prayer Revival just a few thoughts and rulz from yours truly.

Thanks Annie for your work. You folks at the TXMoMe have a fun time. Be safe or have enough bail money handy.

Rulz? Yup.

  1. Open thread, feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate. The choice is yours.
  2. Be nice to one another. Yes, boys & girls, even the trolls.
  3. Sharp objects and speed do not necessarily go together. Before running with the sharp object, think. Have I met my deductible?
  4. Wherever you are, have a wonderful weekend.

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

9/9 – San Franpsycho sent an update Paul, who we have been praying for as he deals with cancer,
has elected to discontinue further treatment of his cancer. Please continue to pray for his complete and immediate healing.
10/14 Update – Thank you for your prayers. They had a pizza party at Paul’s house to celebrate his birthday. San Franpsycho was thankful for the opportunity to tell his friend how much he loves him.

9/22 – DaveT sent an update. He is a retired gentleman, and we had prayed for him in May, as he was going through some legal battles to save his home, for himself and his cats. The legal (and home repair) battles continue, and additional contributions would be very much appreciated. Please email Annie’s Stew directly if you would like to contribute, and she will send you the link to his GiveSendGo account.

9/23 – Jim (in kalifornia) provided an update on his relatives. His father-in-law is better after having a vascular catheter put in and emergency dialysis. His wife suffered through helping him, and also ended up with a new tumor. She also missed about 5 treatments, so all her other tumor markers are way up.
9/30 Update – Jim and his family could still use some prayers. His wife hasn’t been doing her cancer treatments. She has a new tumor in a new organ, a lung. His younger son is being a stupid teenager. They found drugs (weed, mushrooms) in his room and he didn’t see anything wrong with that (despite my house, my rules, zero drug policy). His father-in-law is finally out of the hospital. All this meant Jim hasn’t been working, so with big bills coming up (home insurance, car insurance), it will be fun figuring out which bills not to pay.

9/23 – Polliwog the Ette requested prayers for her mother-in-law, Peggy, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. It seems to be contained, but fast-growing, and hopefully a lumpectomy will be sufficient. She is understandably nervous about the whole thing and would appreciate prayers.

9/24 – Eromero was having dinner with a 95 year-old buddy at the senior living facility, and had to bring his friend to the ER with pneumonia symptoms.
10/14 Update – Eromero’s friend passed away on 10/4. His widow is 93, deaf, and nearly blind, and Mrs. E. is her caregiver. They are planning a memorial, tying up loose ends, finding resources, etc. They will miss their friend, even though they know he’s better off than we are. Perspective.

9/30 – Duke Lowell posted that his mother-in-law, who lived with them for ten years, had passed away on Wednesday. He asked that God would welcome her into his kingdom and the He comfort Duke’s wife and her brother.

10/1 Coelacanth asked for continued prayers for Cam. In addition to the other medical (and other) issues that Cam and his family are experiencing, Cam just found out he has testicular cancer, at age 26. Surgery is anticipated for later in October. Prayers are gratefully appreciated.

10/1 - Morgan, long-time lurker, gives praise for the exercise of God’s providence. He had a job offer in Sarasota that was withdrawn this morning. Very disappointed, but God has other plans for me which he has not yet revealed. Praise be to God.

10/2 – SMH asked for prayers for his ex-ex’s dad, which has stage IV laryngeal cancer. He had a trach put in last week, and it will be permanent. The cancer is very aggressive, and it’s only got 50-50 odds if he agrees to the treatment plan (total laryngectomy and lymph node removal, plus radiation).

10/3 – Hadrian asked for prayers for his brother and sister-in-law, who are on sabbatical in Spain. They’ve both come down with Covid and are confined to a small, temporary apartment. Prayers appreciated for 1) their quick recovery and 2) they survive the time cooped up with each other.

10/7 – Halfhand asked for prayers for her dear friend and former neighbor, Kathleen, who has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemo.

10/7 – Reforger requested prayers for a friend and coworker’s father, 92, and curled up into a ball on hospice. Reforger is praying that he would pass soon. The only allowable drug is morphine, and it’s not even helping with the pain; he barely is able to breathe.
10/14 Update – Thank you all for the prayers. His pain has gotten less severe with some changes they made to decrease his swelling and water retention. It’s still “any day now”.

10/7 – AnchorPoint asked for prayers related to a possible job change that terrifies him. It could be absolutely fantastic for him personally and professionally. He prays for God’s will, and not his, though.

10/10 – TP requested prayers for her co-worker, J. She has worked with him for many years, and was told today that they are firing J and his crew. Prayers for all of them are welcome, too. But J. is close to retirement age and it’s unlikely he’ll find a good job. Por, prayers that she is wrong and that he can bounce back from this.

10/12 – Hadrian the Seventh said he would appreciate prayers for his sister. An echocardiogram showed the calcification of her aortic valve is severe and she’ll need surgery to replace it. The operation is scheduled for 11/15.

10/14 – grammie winger would appreciate prayers for her son, who has been in the ICU for 10 days and it looks like it will be a couple more.

10/14 – Jewells says thanks for the continued prayers. She is on a 6 week break from chemo, and is feeling so much better. The date for the next treatment is the day after she gets home from Texas.

10/14 – blaster posted an update on sra blaster’s mom, which is home hospice – she has had some improvement. They’ve dialed in her pain meds and she is much more comfortable without being knocked out completely. She is better in ways that a late-stage Alzheimer’s patient can be better.

10/14 – gourmand du jour is praying for his friend Wes, studying in Jerusalem, to find a way home safely soon.

10/16 – Donna&&&&&&V and her sister could use some prayers. Donna&&&&&&V had surgery for breast cancer, and her sister (whom she lives with) has lung cancer, and now also a blood cancer that cannot be treated. Over the past few days she has had unbearable pain in her calf and foot, and they found 3 blood clots. Donna&&&&&&V is afraid she will lose her sister and very best friend.

10/17 – mngiggle requested prayers for his sister, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and starts treatment next week. She and her family could use all the prayers they can get.

10/18 – Fox2! Asked for prayers for Shelby, who is due in three weeks.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.