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Ace Of Spades HQ
Ace Of Spades HQ
11 Feb 2023

NextImg:Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

Coffee news you can use.

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

1/14 – John the River asks for prayers for his best friend, Doug, who has passed away, and for his sweet widow Diane, their son, and family. Doug is free of pain and at last sails the blue waters and leaves the shore behind him.

1/15 – D asked for prayers for Sarah A. Hoyt, the novelist, who has been experiencing multiple health issues for a long time. She is struggling to do the work that needs to be done. Please pray for healing.
2/2 Update – Sarah is feeling MUCH better since the prayer list was activated on her behalf, and sends her thanks.

1/18 – Teresa in Fort Worth needs prayers for help with a decision. Her daughter, Rebecca, is having hip replacement surgery in a few hours. They are worried they are doing the wrong thing. Her hips have been causing pain for many years. It turns out her pelvic bones didn’t develop properly (she has Down syndrome) and her hips are grinding bone on bone. Because of her small stature, there is only 1 appliance on the market, and it may be too big for her. If it doesn’t work, they may need to cut off the top of the bone. Intellectually, they have explored every option, but the Mom side of her is worried that they are making the wrong decision.
1/24 Update – Rebecca’s new hip joint dislocated. She is on more pain meds. They are trying to stabilize the hip and see if it will heal. They have a Plan B if that fails. Lots of prayers needed here, for both Rebecca and her family.
1/30 Update – They are doing another surgery, to replace the ball joint part with a larger and longer piece. Prayers still needed.

1/19 – FenelonSpoke requests prayers for her church, that if it’s God’s will that their financial problems be resolved so they can stay open to the glory of God.

1/20 – Doof requests prayers for family and friends of the late Mrs. Doof. Sunday, January 22 marks one year since she passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. She leaves behind a legacy of love and faith, and she is missed dearly. Doof sends heartfelt thanks for the Horde’s prayers and love and support over the past year.

1/21 – Jewells45 asked for prayers for the family and friends who are suffering after a friend committed suicide.

1/21 – Irongrandpa sent thanks for the prayers. His wife is recovering from her eye operation nicely. It looks as if there will be a substantial return to normal vision in that eye.

1/21 - Duke Lowell requested prayers. He has been dealing with Crohn’s for a number of years and it’s been untreated for the last two due to lack of insurance. There’s a significant constriction in the colon that they couldn’t get the camera past. They took a biopsy and he has a barium MRI scheduled for Friday, 1/27. He promises this isn’t the end of him, and he will be here making stupid snarky comments for a few more years, at least.

1/21 - My pimp shot my dealer could also use prayers for an intestinal bleed.

1/21 - Long time lurker, Morgan, asks for blessing upon his efforts to learn Spanish, for better sleep, and to find a church in CDMX. Blessings upon the group and moderators.

1/21 – FenelonSpoke requested prayers for her son and a roommate at school, “C”. C had been particularly kind to their son and was a nice young man. He was taken out of school and they aren’t sure why.

1/28 – Hrorthgar asked for prayers for his son. He had chest pains, that turned out to be (non-clot shot) blood clots in his lungs, which are much more treatable than a heart attack. Any spare prayers for full and quick recovery for Keith would be much appreciated.

1/28 – Comrade flounder, Disinformation Demon asked for prayers for a good friend, who recently found out her husband had been cheating on her throughout their marriage. Through marital and spiritual counseling, they had decided to persevere, which included basically telling everyone (to avoid the cycle of shame) and putting their faith in God to help them repair their relationship and strengthen their family. It takes a log of personal and spiritual strength to not just walk away nowadays.

1/28 - Tonypete asks for prayers for his daughter. She continues to make very poor life choices and now finds herself living in a hovel with bottom of the barrel roommates (like herself) and two actual pigs. The place is filthy and should be condemned. She has been blessed with all she needs to live a happy, fruitful life and yet rejects it all.

1/28 – mindful webworker sends a few requests: Daughter may be pregnant, after 2 miscarriages. She is married to a great guy, and they would be good parents. MiladyJo has been hobbled with leg-foot pain. Local sonM is a good guy who could have better, healthier habits. Remote sonC is still estranged. He will not reply to them and they haven’t been allowed to see their two grandbabies for over a year. Prayers for the Spirit of Truth to get through the barriers of pride and anger. Prayers for family, community (online and off), nation, and world.

1/31 – Grannysaurus Rex asked for prayers for her beloved young grandson, who is struggling with anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Pray that he continues to put his faith in God as his foundation to sustain him. Prayers also for his mental health professions to help him resolve these issues.

2/4 – Stephan requests prayers that our God-awful nation will get back on the right track.

2/4 – Sal requests prayers for her younger brother who was diagnosed with ALS. He was holding steady and enrolled in a research program, but is losing ground more rapidly now. Prayers for him and his family would be most appreciated.

2/6 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for her church’s beloved and elderly organist, Jessie, who fell at a church luncheon and has a pelvic fracture. Thanks so much.

2/7 – Annie’s Stew requests prayers for her step-grandson, age 17, who is experiencing life similar to Grannysaurus Rex’ grandson: anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide. Prayers for strengthened faith in God and purpose in life are appreciated.

2/9 – Jane D’Oh’s husband is still undergoing therapy as an outpatient. A couple of days ago they found out that he is paralyzed from the knee down on his left leg, so they have a neurologist appointment next Friday to try and determine the cause. In the meantime, Jane and family remain utterly grateful for all the prayers. After her husband was released from the hospital, they were told that he had been the most critically ill patient in the place and that it was a miracle he survived. The prayers helped tremendously.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.