I usually write here weekly, sometimes slipping in a second one when no one is watching. Yet, my regular weekly article last appeared here on Jan. 13, and I was preparing my next one for the occasion of the inauguration the following week on Jan. 20. Alas, several developments interceded. Thanks to the grace of G-d, all was well and is well. I needed time finally to complete writing and upgrading my commentary on half the Torah, and half the Chumash (so far, the latter part of Genesis, all of Exodus and Leviticus, and the first part of Numbers). I still have two-thirds of Genesis, two-thirds of Numbers, and all of Deuteronomy to treat. So there was that.
Now to number 47. Here, I discuss these past six weeks. That allows me the rare opportunity to write with a month’s perspective that is different from when I am analyzing the day’s breaking news. When you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. The passage of time. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our nation. (I like my word salads with buttermilk ranch.)
First, finally, Donald Trump actually entered the Oval Office again. The timing is more opportune now than in 2020. America was immersed in a national tire fire then. Now, America has seen the full implications and consequences of the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Harris-Ocasio woke agenda. Americans now are briefly ready to think for themselves and disregard the pundits who led them to catastrophe. It’s Miller Time! (Stephen Miller.) Americans do not want DEI. They want to have their own fair chance to get jobs and promotions and for their kids to get into college, the same rules as the NBA and NFL use to hire their employees — merit. Americans have stopped being shamed into silence by Virtue Signalers and Cancel Police. They don’t want men competing in women’s pole vaulting, volleyball, swimming, and other sports. They know there are only two genders, and they are terrified that ...
No hoodwinking or hornswoggling here.
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