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Lloyd Billingsley

NextImg:Under Biden, fake news soars to whole new level

Biden calls China’s Xi a dictator; Beijing slams remark as ‘provocation,’” headlined the Washington Post on June 20.

Biden calls Xi a dictator, who was kept in the dark about spy balloon,” chimed in the New York Times.

Biden Compares China’s Xi Jinping to ‘dictators,’” proclaimed CNN, “even as Washington and Beijing work to thaw relations.”

Biden calls Xi a ‘dictator,’ fueling Chinese anger,” headlined the NBC News story, in perfect harmony and ignorance.

“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment is he didn’t know it was there,” Joe Biden explained at a June 20 event in California. “No, I’m serious. That was the great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened.”

That is not exactly the same as saying “China’s Xi Jinping is a dictator,” or “Xi Jinping is like other dictators.” Contrary to what the reports assume, Xi Jinping would have no problem with the label.

The People’s Republic of China is a Communist country, and in Marxist-Leninist doctrine the dictatorship of the proletariat rules. Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu-Wen and Xi Jinping are all totalitarian dictators in the true sense. Marxist-Leninist doctrine allows no party but the Communist Party, and the Party decides who will run the show. Xi Jinping is the man of the hour, and the notion he “didn’t know” about the balloon is ludicrous.

China’s high-altitude surveillance device was capable of navigation. It overflew the Aleutian Islands, passed over Canadian territory and reentered U.S. airspace with no official acknowledgement from China or Biden. The surveillance device only became public knowledge when a private citizen in Montana spotted the craft and took photos.

China’s foreign ministry said the balloon was “mainly meteorological,” and the craft had been “affected by the Westerlies,” and “deviated far from its planned course.” And China “regrets the unintended entry” into U.S. airspace. Biden’s proclamation that “it was blown off course up through Alaska and then down through the United States,” echoed the Chinese position.

While in U.S. airspace, China’s balloon overflew missile installations such as Malmstrom Air Force Base. Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder told CNN the balloon passed over “a number of sensitive sites,” but did not present a “significant intelligence gathering risk.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin advised against shooting down China’s balloon while it was over land.

Joint chiefs of staff boss Gen. Mark Milley recommended against “kinetic action” to bring down the balloon, CBS News reported, because of the danger of debris hitting the ground, and because “the U.S. government had determined the balloon does not pose a threat.” The military did not shoot it down until it had crossed nearly the entire continental United States.

According to Biden, the balloon contained “two box cars full of spy equipment.” but like a typical dictator Xi Jinping didn’t know it was there. Far from offending China’s Communist dictator, Biden was parroting CCP propaganda, and nothing to see here folks.

On June 29, Gen. Ryder told reporters that China’s surveillance device “did not collect while it was transiting the United States or flying over the United States, and certainly the efforts that we made contributed.” No inventory on those “two box cars” full of spy gear.

Gen. Ryder was just following orders, and the establishment media is all-in. The real story here is Biden’s longstanding collaboration with the Communist regime.

As the Atlantic pointed out in 2012, vice president Biden “got China” through the efforts of longtime supporter Tom Donilon, who would serve as national security adviser under President Obama. Donilon sees no conflict between a “rising power and an established power” and contends that “a deeper U.S.-China military-to-military dialogue is central to addressing many of the sources of insecurity and potential competition between us.”

In similar style in 2019, presidential candidate Joe Biden went on record that the Chinese are “not bad folks” and not even competition for the United States. In reality, Chinese agents strip mine the USA for classified information, trade secrets and intellectual property. The Biden DOJ has dropped the case against some Chinese spies apprehended by the FBI.

The CCP uses the Confucius Institutes to push propaganda on U.S. college campuses. President Trump demanded that the institutes register as a foreign mission but the Biden Junta allows them to function as a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the IRS.

The Biden Junta also allows China to operates police stations in New York, Los Angeles and other American cities. This is a clear breach of American territorial and judicial sovereignty, and far beyond anything National Socialist Germany or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was able to achieve.

For a statement calculated to anger a Communist dictator, recall President Reagan challenging Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” An equivalent with Communist China would be “Free Tibet,” or  “democracy for Hong Kong,” and “freedom for Taiwan.” Nothing like that from the Biden Junta.

We do not support Taiwan independence,” Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken proclaimed on June 19, after meeting with Xi Jinping. They want the same things but the story was supposedly that Biden had called Xi a dictator.

According to Biden, Xi didn’t even know the balloon was there, and it didn’t collect anything from the sensitive military sites it overflew. In Joe Biden’s America, fake news is soaring to a whole new level.