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American Greatness
American Greatness
18 Feb 2023
The Editors

NextImg:Why Join AG+?

Perceptive readers will have noticed a new pop-up ad on this site in recent weeks. We don’t love pop-ups, either, but this one serves a vital purpose. 

Last month, without much fanfare, we launched a new subscription service called AG+. The goal is to give American Greatness readers exclusive access to special content while ensuring the publication remains independent and successful in the years to come.  

Many other publications have moved to a subscription model in recent years. Under the circumstances, it simply makes sense.

While the online ad market is slowing generally, the reality is, our advertising revenue has fallen substantially in the past two years as the result of targeted and extremely effective boycott efforts. The Left and the corporate press really do not like us, and they really do not like that so many of you are reading us.

It is no exaggeration that left-wing organizations are working hard to deprive us of the means to keep this site running. You might have heard of the Global Disinformation Index, a British-based “nonpartisan” group funded in part by the U.S. State Department ostensibly to combat online “disinformation”—which, in practice, means any narrative that departs from the left-liberal line. GDI’s work consists largely of targeting advertisers. Oddly enough, only right-leaning websites appear on the group’s “dynamic exclusion list.” Although we may not have made the group’s Top 10 list of “riskiest sites,” you may rest assured that we’re very much in their crosshairs. 

As advertising becomes a less reliable revenue source, we found ourselves looking for alternatives. Hence, a subscription program. 

No, we’re not going the paywall route. Writers you’ve enjoyed reading—Victor Davis Hanson, Julie Kelly, Roger Kimball, et. al.—will remain free and available to all, exactly as they have been since American Greatness began in 2016.

Instead, we’ll be adding features with members in mind. Priority passes start at just $8 a month. With a basic subscription to AG+, you will get an ad-free experience and the ability to participate in our discussion forums. We’ve heard your complaints about spam, so we’re phasing out Disqus as a commenting platform. 

Higher-tier memberships will come with additional benefits. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be rolling out new features exclusive to AG+ subscribers. We’ll have video chats and “ask me anything” events with AG writers and editors, a weekly member exclusive insider newsletter, discounted and members’ only merchandise, and more. 

But the biggest benefit is this: You will be helping independent journalism spread the truth and wage war against establishment lies. Join AG+ today and join the fight.