I was born in the greatest country in the world, perhaps in history, the United States of America.
But now, seventy years later, the U.S. is no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave.
Today, you are most definitely not free to speak your mind. In fact, you can lose everything you own or hold dear for having the wrong views. But don’t take my word for it, ask Donald Trump.
And forget home of the brave. As the Deep State attempts to crucify our former and perhaps future president in new and ever more bizarre ways, what are the politicians of Trump’s party doing about it?
That’s right, putting their heads in the sand and their considerable fundaments in the air, the braver ones sending out strongly worded letters and subpoenas that are summarily ignored. A party of cowards.
If you hold conservative beliefs, or God forbid, Christian ones, there is no one to protect you. You’re on your own.
So, as a public service, I’m going to discuss the various types of wrongthink that will get your front door busted in at 4:00 in the morning by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation.
Let’s start with abortion. Repeat after me, abortion is good, abortion is life affirming (for the mom, obviously). Never mention to anyone how the unborn baby, at any time up to and including birth, is violently dismembered and killed, brought out into the world in pieces. And don’t ever point out in public that killing one’s unborn child violates the most powerful of all human emotions, the maternal instinct. Simply ignore the terrible emotional toll abortion must take on the mother. Abortion’s good. Got it?
Now let’s do rioting. Mostly peaceful rioting by minorities is a good thing, a form of social justice, even during a pandemic that killed millions. Rioting by white people, however, such as occurred on January 6th, is distinctly evil, a threat to democracy, and the worst thing since 9/11. Simply ignore all the Jan. 6 footage, especially anything that shows peaceful, unarmed protestors, oodles of poorly disguised federal agitators, or police opening doors to the Capitol building. In today’s America, rioting is in the eyes of the beholder.
Speaking of feds, the FBI has long been considered the preeminent law enforcement agency in the world, and as smug little Christopher Wray would tell you, the bureau enforces the law without favor. Keep telling yourself that, and simply forget that the FBI tried to take out a duly elected president with the Russia Collusion Scam. Or that they lied to FISA courts to spy on the Trump campaign and later, his administration. Or that the Feebs have put into writing their intent to target MAGA supporters, traditional Catholics, and parents who disagree with leftist school boards. All that must be forgotten. Capiche?
Speaking of forgetting, our corrupt, drooling, non compos mentis president is somehow running, er . . . shuffling, for reelection next year. The people who pull old Joe Biden’s dry, withered strings want you to know that he’s actually quite energetic, hard-working, deeply empathetic, and a devout Catholic, not some wild-eyed escapee from an Alzheimer’s ward. And after you’re done laughing at such claims, make them your own.
On the topic of corruption, you’d better believe that St. Barack of Chi-town, our first half-black president, had absolutely no scandals during his eight years in office. Forget Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and Barry’s Obamacare lies. Ignore Obama’s race-baiting that set U.S. race relations back a hundred years, disregard his love for Iran and hatred for Israel, and pretend that he wasn’t a closeted gay man, telling a girlfriend that he made love to men daily in his imagination. No, Obama is a saint and you’d better agree or you just might get burned at the stake.
Speaking of heresy, how ‘bout our gum-flapping, left-wing Pope? Pope Francis apparently has little interest in rooting out pedophile priests, protecting marginalized Catholics all around the world, or addressing the fact of his ever-shrinking constituency. No, Francis lives behind the high walls of the Vatican while opining mindlessly about air conditioning, illegal immigration, capitalism, and climate change. Our nominally Catholic Pope certainly had time for abortion-loving, pants-pooping Joe Biden, but could not spare much for Donald Trump, our first loudly pro-life president. Fact is, as long as Pope Francis serves as a useful idiot for the left, they will love him---and you’d better, too!
On the topic of useful idiots, our partisan, Big Government bum-kissing media tells us the 2020 election was the most secure and above-board election ever. Never mind that the Democrats unilaterally engineered a million ways to cheat electorally, and that the courts and the feds brazenly refused to investigate any of it. Disregard that President Trump and other Republicans were comfortably ahead on Election Night, only to suffer mysterious setbacks in the following days or weeks. Although it had never been easier to cheat electorally than in 2020, our thoroughly despicable media informs us no one cheated! It was a miracle, an article of faith that you’d better take to heart if you know what’s good for you.
Continuing in the vein of what’s good for you, the U.S. government’s handling of COVID-19 did infinitely more damage than the bug ever did. Of course, you should never say that out loud. Instead, simply ignore the vaccines that failed to vaccinate (i.e., prevent the acquisition or transmission of disease), and especially all the people damaged or killed by the failed vaccines. The public health and medical communities certainly don’t care, why should you? And when the experts tell you the vaccines lessened the severity of COVID-19, an unprovable claim since the virus has constantly been mutating, simply smile approvingly. And even though your toddler’s risk from COVID-19 is almost nil, go out and have them stick him with the latest vaccine. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?
As for the worst that could happen, you could be a female athlete competing in violent or grueling sports like rugby, boxing, martial arts, track or swimming, and find yourself matched up against a man pretending to be a woman! And you know in your heart, you’re about to get your brains beat out, either literally or figuratively. You also realize that, should you withdraw, you will be called transphobic and threatened in every possible way (see Gaines, Riley and Rowling, J.K.). No, it’s perfectly fine in today’s world for mentally-ill men, with or without their original equipment, to dominate women’s sports. Just buck-up, buttercup, and take your beating like a man, er . . . woman.
Speaking of brains, you should never mention the sad state of American education at present. Kids no longer learn reading, writing or arithmetic. Instead, they learn Critical Race Theory, LBQT+ propaganda, and climate change doom-mongering. Forget writing in script, half the kids can’t print legibly. Heck, most students don’t even know how to hold a pencil correctly! They put down their phones upon entering school, put their faces in a computer for most of the day, and pull out their phones the moment the final bell sounds. Should internet and phone technology ever go down, today’s students will be helpless little lambs, lost in the wilderness. Never before has so much money been spent for so little education. But, like I mentioned earlier, the FBI is targeting parents concerned about the abysmal state of public education. Don’t be one.
And whatever you do, don’t question “climate change”. No, the fact that meteorologists can’t accurately predict whether it will rain tomorrow, much less predict what the weather will be like in a hundred years, should not disturb you. Ignore the increasingly corpulent heads of our armed forces prattling on about climate change being our biggest enemy, as opposed to, say, China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran. And look the other way at the hypocrisy of fat-cat millionaires traveling to climate change symposiums in their gas-guzzling private jets and yachts. When it comes to climate, “We’re doomed!” is the only correct view. And you’d better not forget it.
Georgs Orwell correctly predicted a world where wrongthink could doom a person, and that’s the world we now live in. Either learn all the right views and spout them publicly---lawn signs are a nice touch---or have a steel front door installed.
In today’s America, it’s one or the other.