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American Thinker
American Thinker
2 Dec 2023
Viv Forbes

NextImg:Time for a climate exit

The world's rich and famous, plus an army of publicists, hangers-on and, mendicants, are attending the COP28 meeting in Dubai, the ostentatious 7-star playground capital of the United Arab Emirates, where even the police drive luxury sports cars.

We peasant classes sitting at home note that climate royalty, including King Charles from the U.K., John Kerry from USA, and Blackouts Bowen from Australia, are all flying there, burning vast amounts of carbon fuels.  Fittingly, these hypocrites chose to meet in the richest and most wasteful artificial city in the world, wallowing in wealth derived from oil, gas, and air travel tourists.

The UAE has already been accused of using the meeting to organize oil and gas sales “on the sidelines,” so for the UAE, it will be doubly profitable.

We wonder how John Kerry will explain how the Green New Deal is falling apart in USA.

The sinister hidden agenda of COP28 in Dubai is about rationing and depopulation — they want to ration energy, reduce meat production, and eliminate wasteful driving and “useless eaters.”

They want us locked into 15-minute cities with our movements tracked and restricted to walking, bicycles, and small communal electric cars.  They plan to abolish the freedom of cash so they can track our consumption.  They want to see us restricted to green smoothies, oat-milk coffee, minced crickets, and fake meat burgers while they jet off to a new well fed tourist destination every year.

We have copped these annual climate-fests for 26 years now.  The last one catered for about 40,000 delegates and hangers-on for two weeks of talk-fest that achieved nothing useful (as usual).  Even Saint Greta Thunberg said COP27 was a scam.

Feel free to publish this cartoon or pass around with no alterations.

Let's have a few Clexit (Climate Exit) referenda so we can vote NO and repudiate all liabilities under the Kyoto and Paris climate agreements.

Only stupid Western politicians from places like the U.K., the USA, and Australia think they can force-feed wind and solar energy sufficiently to keep the lights on as coal and gas plants close.  Naturally, Greens are also opposed to building dams for hydro energy, and they do not like nuclear.

The Net Zero Prize for reaching fanciful Net Zero Emissions targets will be precarious populations with industry operating on the whims of the weather and an angry, urbanized, locked down population faced with food, fuel, and electricity rationing.

There is no global warming crisis.  And politicians cannot control the climate.

However, King What’s-’is-Name, John Kerry (the U.S. presidential envoy for controlling climate), and Blackouts Bowen (Australia's minister for climate panics and zero energy) are determined to create an electricity crisis.  Power grid failure will be followed quickly by failure of food and water supplies to cities.

Marc Morano (contact), the vice president of Clexit, is attending.  Watch him here.

Further Reading:

Get Ready for another Pointless UN Conference

Even Greta tells us: “We have had decades of bla-bla-bla”

Climate Exit? Long Overdue

Heading for the Wind Drought Rocks

The No-Dams Movement