Feb 28, 2025  |  
 | Remer,MN
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Andrea Widburg

NextImg:The radical left is boycotting companies abandoning leftist insanity

Today might be a great day to go shopping. If you’ve already been to Walmart, Target, or other major retailers, you might have noticed that the people there looked...well, normal. No blue hair. No nose rings. No giant holes in their earlobes. No tattoos. No “Free Palestine” t-shirts. No bearded men in dresses and heels. It might have looked strangely like shopping in 1985, at the height of Reagan’s America.

If you noticed all that, it’s because you were the beneficiary of a leftist boycott of major retailers who have decided to abandon leftist extremism (DEI, BLM, LGBTQ+, CRT, and whatever other acronyms leftists love). Instead, they’ve decided to back normal Americans, rather than the anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, and anti-free speech, and pro-everything weird, vile, debased, and debauched.

I only know about the boycott because I saw it in the fever swamps of former high school classmates who were riding high during the Biden and Obama years, and who have hit the emotional bottom now that MAGA’s back in town.

First, there was the cute bunny poster instructing people “Don’t buy stuff Friday Feb 28” because “we have power.” They were told to skip Amazon (Jeff Bezos came out in favor of free speech), Walmart (which is ostensibly abandoning DEI), Target (which actually seems to have abandoned DEI), fast food restaurants (e.g., McDonald’s has rolled back DEI), and all gas suppliers (I assume that’s because of climate change).

The pierced, blue-haired, sexually confused crowd is also being told to use cash, because credit card companies are seemingly also bad. Small businesses are good, which leaves one wondering if any among the leftists understands that McDonald’s is a franchise-based outlet, making each outlet a small business, often owned by up-and-coming minorities.

A companion poster has even more explicit instructions making it clear that this is meant to be an overall economic disruption to show how powerful leftists really are:

So far, as of midday on the East Coast, I haven’t seen any signs that there is an economic earthquake taking place. However, the peeps on Blue Sky, the leftist social media site, have already noticed the racism inherent in leftist reactions the boycott:

So, what is The People’s Union USA (“TPUUSA”), the organization behind this boycott? Well, it’s already in the business of making money, since it’s gotten people to send it almost $90,000 as of this writing via GoFundMe.

TPUUSA also claims it’s apolitical and, weirdly, it is, in that, while most of its demands are purely Marxist, as is the framework from which it operates, it has a few ideas that conservatives will like. Here’s the Marxist set up for its demands:

The Demands are for Real Change

The system is rigged.

The working class suffers while billionaires, corporations, and politicians exploit us.

However, if you drill down, that mix shows up. The pure Marxist side wants only corporations, churches, and businesses to be taxed; a direct democracy rather than a representative republic (i.e., the mob rule our Founders feared); food, water, housing, and other “necessities” as a human right (which means paid for by the government); socialized medicine and price controls on drugs; an end to exploiting Earth’s natural resources (while still demanding the technology that requires those resources); a pathway to citizenship (which conservatives dislike because it rewards illegal activity); and an end to climate change.

However, TPUUSA also wants to see an end to the federal income tax—except that it believes it can expand government spending by taxing those billionaires, churches, and corporations; an end to lobbying (not do-able in the real world but it can be better controlled); transparency in government spending (which is what DOGE is trying to do and the left is having an ongoing heart attack about); more technology used in controlling the border (another Trump initiative); and the end of tech monopolies.

So, muddle-headed and mostly leans left—and the people excited about the one-day boycott are all hardcore leftists who support all of the most extreme Democrat party policies. In other words, the followers are more radical than the organizers.

Ultimately, this is going to fail. When it came to Bud Light, people felt a huge sense of revulsion against the corporation and they had market alternatives. However, asking leftists, who are as materialistic as anyone else, to stop shopping at all outlets until these stores see the error of their ways or to abandon their Apple computers isn’t going to work.

In any event, what all these people are going to discover is that the real power behind their movement isn’t going to be seen in a one-day boycott or even in a handful of the most ardent leftists refusing to shop at all. Instead, they’re about to learn that their entire movement was AstroTurf, with unwitting taxpayers funding a federal, leftist slush fund. With Donald Trump turning off the spigot, we’re about to see the decline and fall of the leftist empire.