The vast majority of us know the mainstream media (MSM) is comprised of vapid, lazy liars, mindless ideologues in reporters' clothing. Most are agenda-driven morons apparently incapable of objectivity, and seemingly bereft of critical thinking skills.
There are literally endless examples of this, and many of them have now been written about extensively.
However, all too rarely is it called out in real time, to these “journalists’" faces. Rarer still is it done effectively and with elan.
As I have stated, on this very site in fact, no matter how much disdain one might have for those in the de facto state-run media, it is nowhere near enough.
Consider that just a few weeks ago, the media was telling us that Biden was sharp as a knife, in tip top shape, never keener. At that same time, just days before the infamous debate with former President Trump, we were told that Kamala Harris was a vacuous drag on the ticket who should be shunted aside and left on the ash heap of history.
Then, after the debate debacle, the media did an abrupt 180 and told us what we already knew: Biden was an empty husk. Just as quickly, it pivoted to asserting that Kamala Harris is not wildly incompetent, and is, in fact, nothing less than a wise and learned female Messiah filling America with faith, hope, and love. And joy. So very, very much joy.
It was then that it dawned on me that there must be something more to this remarkable phenomenon. It does not seem probable that virtually every member of the mainstream media is inherently naught but a toady who shares precisely the same leftist views as the ruling Democrats. So it slipped into my consciousness that MSM “journalists” are likely being simultaneously bribed -- and threatened -- by The Machine. (Democrats/The Deep State/Intelligence Agencies.) We know they withold access to sources for those who do not comply. We know they have run talking-point listservs from Democrat officials such as JournoList in the past, and maybe still do. But it may go even further: Bribery and threats were pretty much what they did to Mark Zuckerberg, who admitted as much in a letter to Congress. That's how they roll.
This is the only feasible reason they so fanatically adhere to The Party Line in virtually every case, 24/7/365 … year after year after year.
And it would also explain why they are so rabidly for those in power when those in power are Democrats, and so militantly against those in power when those in power happen to be Republicans.
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