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E. Jeffrey Ludwig

NextImg:In New York, the Words of the Prophets are Written on the Subway Walls

“Date someone with a five-year plan that makes you want to ovulate.”

This directive was seen by this writer recently on a printed sign behind glass above the seats on a New York City subway car.

Women typically will release an ovum about two weeks prior to their menstrual cycle. The ovum will travel through the fallopian tube into the uterus. This directive postulates that ovulating is a free will action on the part of women, and this decision to exercise the ovulating prerogative should follow meeting someone with a five-year plan. 

The initiation of a series of five-year plans was standard for communist governments in the USSR. Good commie leaders under Stalin and after Stalin liked to project into the future in five-year units. The five-year plan thus is closely associated with the good communist man, a leader, someone with whom you will wish to unite to build your leftist family and your leftist future. 

No mention in the sign of love, of Christ, of commitment [five years commitment – not lifetime commitment is enough to get those eggs rolling down the tubes].

This subway exhortation calls women to seek male commitment and to allow their reproductive organs to be stimulated.

The Marxist allusion to five-year plans in connection with the ovulation response reminds us of Karl’s dictum “from each according to his [or her] ability, to each according to their needs.”

Women will automatically ovulate, but not just any man will cause them to embrace this truth of their biology. 

With this one saying, biological process becomes politicized. Dating serves personal, biological, and political goals. Public utterances in NYC provide the leftish atmosphere in which we live.

A few short years ago, this over-sensitive deplorable (I will forever be grateful to Hillary Clinton for labeling people holding my views with the “D” word) descended onto a subway platform to see a large ad on an electronic sign.

The photo was angled downward from a woman’s neck looking towards her spread legs and she was wearing little black lace-styled panties. The sign loudly blinked the words “We Love Vaginas.” Then it would jump to another electronic ad and another and another and would finally return to “We Love Vaginas.” 

At that time, the focus was male obsession with women’s sex/reproductive organs in terms of allure. The recent poster at least posits an element (albeit a limited one) of commitment and includes a reference to childbearing, and not only pleasure. 

Why are there not public exhortations to women in subways as well as on radio and T.V. and in schools and colleges to look for men who will pledge to love and honor you as wife, ordained to be together, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?

This writer teaches in a four-year college where many elevators had signs for years with lists of “inappropriate” behavior vis-à-vis unwanted sexual advances and harassment on campus. The sign listed numerous unwanted and/or perverse behaviors suggestive of power tripping in relationships, or excessive hostility, or perverse communication, or even hate. Many of those posters have been taken down over time.

However, nowhere were there or are there now posters calling students to refrain from sex outside of marriage, to seek to date with marriage ultimately in mind, and to think of marriage as a lifetime commitment and the exclusive institution in which to have children. There are no posters advertising marriage as a sanctified relationship created by and upheld by Almighty God since the beginnings of time and space. 

College or university education is valuable and is necessary in an advanced and prosperous society. At the same time, the foundation of a stable society is marriage between men and women based upon love and commitment of the couple, and their shared love undergirded by the eternal love for and by Christ. 

In 1960, only 5% of the population of the USA was born outside of wedlock, but the most recent statistics now show that 40% of the population is born outside of marriage. Among certain demographic groups, the percentage is much higher. 

The diluting of the male-female distinction, the sky high cost of living (which makes it very difficult to have a single male provider), the pre-eminence given to pleasure-seeking as an important social value, the failure to consistently and frequently teach the significance of Biblical Christianity in the forming of our laws and institutions during our children’s formative years and at the college level, and our obsession with meeting prurient desires and needs by our media and Internet providers has led us into a dark pit of perversion and lovelessness.

Twisted, self-centered rapping or semi-nude dancing by J.Lo, Beyonce, and others is a frontal attack on respectful, worshipful love of our fellow humans and of God. 

Returning again to the subway signs in New York City as a symptom of the moral decline we face, years ago many stations had advertisements showing four smiling, delighted women advertising Truvada and some other pharmaceutical products that, if taken, would prevent women from contracting HIV or AIDS if they were intimate with an infected male. 

Whoever the photographer was, he or she captured four of the most satisfied, beautiful smiles this writer had ever seen. They were steeped with joy and satisfaction at having been sexually intimate with someone infected with the AIDs virus. The poster conveyed that they deserved this happiness, and that their delight was available to all women who took the medication being advertised. Yet, within two years, those signs all disappeared because some of the effects of the medications were unpleasant and bad for one’s kidneys or other organs.

As we have turned increasingly away from committed marriage between one man and one woman for life, reality has become distorted from its eternal plan. Disease and endless sorrow over endless breakups is the result. Generation after generation becomes less stable, less smart, and skilled. Stable love alone bears consistent fruit for generation after generation. The disintegration of the nuclear family leads to sorrow and confusion.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License