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American Thinker
American Thinker
8 Apr 2023
Monica Showalter

NextImg:From 'Filthy Filner' to 'Fletcher the Lecher' in San Diego's all-blue city politics

Like Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco, where big political poobahs have fallen suddenly to various corruption and sex harassment charges in their one-party cities and states, blue San Diego now has a tumbling political bigshot, too. Board of Supervisors chair Nathan Fletcher, who had been seen as the most powerful politician in the county, is going down as hard as Andrew Cuomo on sex harassment charges. Some have compared him to now-former Mayor Bob Filner, the pervert who couldn't keep his hands off women while in office who was eventually given the boot.

According to the News10, the local ABC News affiliate:

SAN DIEGO COUNTY — Cries for an immediate resignation are getting louder more than a week after a lawsuit was filed accusing the San Diego County Supervisor for District 4, Nathan Fletcher, of sexual harassment and assault on a colleague at MTS.

On Friday, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (CA-51) told ABC 10News she wants Fletcher to step down from the Board of County Supervisors "effective immediately."

Her statement read in part:

"I regret that Nathan was able to garner my and others' support while these women were suffering."
Congresswoman Sara Jacobs

Congresswoman Jacobs is echoing the same sentiment as Supervisor Jim Desmond (District 5), who released a video on Twitter stating, "He should not be getting paid by the taxpayers and he should not be receiving medical treatment on the taxpayer's dime," referring to the treatment for PTSD and alcohol abuse Fletcher has said he is receiving.

Of the four remaining County Supervisors, three of them have voiced their approval of Fletcher's resignation.

Which is strange stuff, given the left establishment's utter indifference to what they had to have known was going on for years. Apparently, in Fletcher's case, it wasn't just one woman, it was a lot of them, and they are coming forward now for big city payouts. And like Hillary Clinton, Fletcher has a charming Hillary Clinton-style wife who spent her time in the run-up to this scandal threatening the women who vowed to come forward with details on hubby's sex harassments. She's politician-turned-labor boss Lorena Sanchez, who famously bellowed "F*** you!" to Elon Musk when he vowed to pull his auto-manufacturing business out of California to take to Texas.

These are truly disgusting leftists.

Which is just perfect for the political climate in California, so it's something a matter of mystery as to why they care now about sex harassment and are calling for Fletcher to leave office immediately, and not wait around until May when he promises to leave. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, in a subscription report here, the exit of Fletcher leaves a city administrator's job to be appointed by an evenly divided Republican-Democrat board of supervisors and Fletcher would have tipped the board Democrat. Fair enough, but that disadvantages Democrats. So it can't be that.

More likely, the press should have been doing its job about this guy and it didn't.

The only reason this is obvious is because I've recently discovered a little Hispanic publication and website that has one doozy story after another about Fletcher, and the rest of the San Diego power elites. They've been doing their job for years.

La Prensa is a tiny publication that has at least an English version (I can't see if it's published in Spanish on its website, and the English seen is not machine-translation English, but top-grade English) loaded with the lowdown on these characters running the city into the ground, a true independent press that isn't into the boosterism and propping up of the power establishment that we see in the mainstream press and among many of the local broadcasters. I am amazed it is not better known.

Look at the quality of this analysis by publisher Arturo Castañares:

For years, Fletcher has benefited politically and financially from convenient connections and relationships that propelled him rapidly from a combat US Marine in the desert of Iraq to shaking hands with presidents and other dignitaries just a few years later.

Fletcher first married well-connected George W. Bush staffer Mindy Tucker and became a rising star in Republican politics before switching Parties, divorcing her, and moving on to marry Lorena Gonzalez, one of the most powerful Democratic women in the state, then transformed himself into a liberal, woke, union-loving progressive within a span of just a few years.

Many political observers recall Fletcher’s 2012 speech at the San Diego Republican Party when he sought their endorsement for his first run for Mayor, when he said he hated labor unions, bragged that he walked precincts for Ronald Reagan as a kid, and claimed to be a better Republican than his rival in the race, Carl DeMaio.

After the Party endorsed DeMaio, Fletcher threw his lollipop in the sand and dropped his Republican registration, and lost the race.

Fletcher promised his values wouldn’t change on the political spectrum, only his party affiliation.

Then Fletcher got a high-profile job at QUALCOMM, the local tech giant founded by one of his biggest supporters; billionaire Dr. Irwin Jacobs. The position gave Fletcher, who had left the State Assembly early to run for Mayor, an income and landing place while he planned his next move.

The following year, when Lorena Gonzalez joined other powerful women in pushing Mayor Bob Filner to resign over allegations of sexual harassment against him, Fletcher ran for Mayor in a special election to replace Filner, this time as an Independent, but lost again. 

A few months later, Fletcher registered as a Democrat and was welcomed with open arms by the liberal elite who barely questioned his curious transformation from Republican firebrand to staunch union-loving Democrat.

After that Fletcher got a professorship at UCSD, same way now-ousted Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas in Los Angeles, another seemingly invincible power poobah, got such a post at USC for his sex-harassing son who got booted from the state assembly. Neither the junior, nor Fletcher, had significant qualifications or even degrees. Ridley-Thomas just got convicted in his corruption case a few days ago. As for Fletcher, he got both his QUALCOMM sinecure and his UCSD sinecure through the good graces of Irwin Jacobs, the QUALCOMM billionaire father of sitting San Diego congresswoman Sara Jacobs, aged 31, who's underqualified for her congressional office in her own right. Fletcher apparently got into sex-harassing the students while there, according to the La Prensa analysis.

Jacobs the congresswoman is kind of a pathetic character, latching onto failed "perennial candidate" Ammar Campa-Najjar in a romance that involves paying his bills and housing him in her ritzy downtown Bankers Hill condo, while he seeks office after office unsuccessfully, his defense of his own infamous grandpa, who was a Palestinian PLO terrorist leader during the PLO's infamous 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli Olympics athletes surely figuring in why he's not popular with voters. Campa-Najjar called the terrorist chieftain "a legend." Most recently, he ran for mayor of Chula Vista while living with Jacobs - and in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans three to one, lost to a Republican. But the romance between the two -- moocher and moochee -- seems to be continuing. He also asked for a SDSU sinecure - specifically, one like Fletcher got, from a Chula Vista city councilman within this same circle of Democrats and would have gotten it except that La Prensa got word out about that sweetheart deal.

La Prensa seems to have the receipts on just how interconnected and corrupt these Democrat blue-city and state establishment hacks are, with one lurid story after another about their bad behavior on all of their pages. I have not even hinted at some of the eye-bleach details of some of the stuff I've read there. There is a corrupt establishment in every one-party blue city and thank goodness there is La Prensa to shine a light on what's happening.

It's still unknown what ripped the lid off Fletcher's vaunted career, but it's clear that there's a Jacobs machine and at least one other one, and neither involve conservatives.

To return to the gross story of Filner, California's then-attorney general, one Kamala Harris, got "Filthy Filner" off from his sex harassment charges in 2013 with a slap on the wrist. Apparently, Fletcher is looking for that same kind of sweetheart deal and who is to say he won't get it?

Image: John Koster, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0