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American Thinker
American Thinker
1 Jul 2023
Monica Showalter

NextImg:France's migrant rioters lash out well beyond protest over a bad cop incident

Like a flamethrower, or maybe a broken greenie wind turbine, France's riots aren't really an issue of minority outrage against the police -- they are spinning out of control.

Sure, the trigger was a police shooting of a North African-origin youth, which caught the elites off guard with their collective-guilt complex, but the sentiment here was never a call "change," or "justice," or any of the claims in the press -- it's about power -- and burning it all down.

Some images:

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What possible "justice" could be obtained by burning down schools and libraries and letting zoo animals out of their enclosures?

Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum ridiculously claimed that Russia had slid into civil war during the tempest-in-a-teapot Prigozhin mutiny.

This is much closer to an actual civil war, given that there are scattered reports of French people fighting back.

Obviously, this isn't about police misconduct. This is about a power struggle, fueled by the rage of unchecked immigration, and rage-filled migrants who haven't found the streets of Paris paved with gold, or at least, any they think they're entitled to. That it's spreading to other countries suggests that this is a European Union-wide problem. It certainly could spread to more of them, particularly with the weak response seen from French authorities.

France's President Emmanuel Macron has "apologized" to the migrants for what appears to be police misconduct, even though there's been no formal investigative conclusion about what happened yet, signalling to the cops that the fix is in.

Rather interestingly as a result, the 40,000 cops sent to the scene of the lootings and burnings have been remarkably ineffective, as Beege Welborn on HotAir notes here.

In Paris itself, Parisians are seriously concerned at the growing conflagration, the seeming lack of Macron’s conciliatory gestures to tamp it down, and law enforcement’s inability to get handle on it.

[1:08 min in]…Now, here in the Paris area…the violence was previously limited to the blue-collar, mainly immigrant suburbs of Paris, where you get rows and rows of tower blocks. They’re not at all what we think of as suburbs in the U.K. But, last night, there were worrying signs that, for Parisians, that the violence was beginning to move into the heart of the city, where we saw shops vandalized on the Rue De Rivoli, just a few minutes walk from the Louvre Museum.

There have been 875 people arrested so far during this 3 days of violence, and an astonishing number of vehicles carbequed. This absolutely blows my mind – in three nights – and it seems like they’re not even warmed up yet.

1:15pm: 875 people arrested during overnight protests in France, interior ministry says

A total of 875 people were arrested on Thursday night during the third night of violent protests in France, the interior ministry has said.

A total of 492 buildings were damaged, 2,000 vehicles were burned and 3,880 fires were started, according to figures given by President Emmanuel Macron at the start of a crisis meeting on Friday.

That's a pretty paltry record, given the scope of the damage, and given that the riots are far from over.

Cops don't stick their necks out when politicians don't have their backs. Macron signaled that right away, which was read by the rioters as a green light to commence the looting and burning.

They are armed, having raided police stations for arms and taken them, they are obviously led by armed gangs, and now they seem to be challenging the French state, which is so guilt-wracked over the police incident it has no will to fight armed marauders from foreign countries. 

Putin quelled his rebellion with a firm hand and significant potential for making things worse for non-cooperators. As a result, he's got peace in his country, however imperfect that may be. Macron doesn't have a firm hand, he's got an outstretched dog paw that's being crushed by armed thugs.

Now the damage is unlike any seen before in France, including in 2005, when a similar incident happened from the enraged migrants in the country-- and there are many more of them now.

One wonders just how long it will take for these migrant riots brought on by unchecked illegal immigration to reach U.S. cities. There are five million new illegal immigrants who have been let into the states by Joe Biden, and none fear deportation. That may just be a green light for the lunacy in France to catch fire here, too.

Image: Twitter screen shot