Feb 28, 2025  |  
 | Remer,MN
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Eric Utter

NextImg:A majority of Democrats believe there are more than two sexes -poll

A survey by Quinnipiac, taken Feb. 13-17, revealed that 96% of Republicans agree with President Trump’s executive order affirming that there are only two sexes, while an astounding and depressing 77% of Democrats oppose the order, apparently believing there to be God-knows-how-many different sexes. Only 14% of Democrats support the order. 59% of independents support the order.

The survey was conducted among 1,039 registered voters and queried them on political issues ranging from the economy to Gaza, and included the question “Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order recognizing only two sexes, male and female, in the United States?”

The most shocking takeaway from the poll was that, overall, 38% were against recognizing just two sexes, and little more than half of those surveyed were for it. This is stunning, given that for all of human history until very recent years, any such poll conducted anywhere in the world would have found that virtually 100% of respondents believed there were two—and only two—sexes.

Yet the soft and decadent West has been increasingly infiltrated by anti-family cultural Marxists who have successfully made their “long march through the institutions.” No institution has been more thoroughly compromised than “higher education,” as nearly every college and university in America except Hillsdale is nothing more than an indoctrination center.
This indoctrination has been so successful on the infirm of mind that it got the vast majority of those comprising a major political party to believe an obvious untruth/lie. But I guess it helps explain some of their other beliefs.

What if 77% of them believed that 2+2=7, or that golf course grass is purple? That the sun sets in the east and rises in the west? The rest of our solar system revolves around the Earth? Hot is cold?

These things have real consequences and would likely eventually destroy mankind.

So will believing that sex is not binary, there are an infinite number of genders, and the notion of male and female is meaningless.

Image: Wikimedia Commons, author unknown // CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed